DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY PROJECT -- DEAF WORKERS WEEKLY BULLETIN -- August 7, 1999 Greetings, People with disabilities are the ones who can best decide what needs to be done for them and to be provided. We dont need retired sports figures telling us what we need and how it is provided to us. A committee of people that is composed of at least 75 percent of persons with disabilities has a higher respect than the same group consisting of politicized appointees. A committee of a disability majority knows what they want and knows that their positions on issues will have better value than the same comprising of sports demi-gods and political appointees. When a disability committee or commission no longer represents our interests, then it is time for a new committee or commission. Title II constitutionality is in question and will be decided by the Supreme Court. Yes the nine highest black robes in the United States. While a number of analysts predict that they likely will rule in our favor, some deaf and disability activists are not banking on it and will be organizing numerous rallies and demonstrations at several locations. There is power in the numbers if we show the public, the news media, and the justices our message that we want the Americans with Disabilities Act preserved, we will get what we need. This hast to be done in huge numbers! 2,000 people isn't good enough, we need approximately 40, 50 thousand people marching with signs. Now it is time to start your personal fundraising activities to raise yourself cash to cover the expenditures of a trip to the Supreme Court. Several persons with disabilities can group together and hold several rummage sales to raise the funds they need to participate in the demonstration(s). Richard Roehm ---- DESPERATE SENIORS, DISABLED, AND HOMECARE WORKERS TO PRESENT DEMANDS TO GOVERNOR DAVIS The lack of a living wage is making it almost impossible for seniors and people with disabilities to find and keep homecare workers. These workers provide us with the daily assistance, such as bathing, dressing, domestic tasks, etc., which we need to remain in our own homes instead of being confined in institutions. They are paid through the state's In Home Supportive Services program (IHSS), most receiving the $5.75/hour minimum wage. In spite of his pre-election promise to sign AB 16, a bill that would provide $90 million for modest wage increases and possible benefits to homecare workers in several counties, Governor Davis budgeted only $30 million for one year only. He is refusing to begin restoring the massive cuts in state funds to IHSS by Governor Wilson. AB 16 is still alive in the Senate and has strong bi-partisan support. Governor Davis can still make good on his promises to sign AB 16 and continue his good record of being on the side of seniors and people with disabilities. He must understand however, that AB 16 is only a small first step in restoring state funding so that ALL IHSS WORKERS IN ALL COUNTIES can receive a living wage! WE DEMAND: Governor Davis sign AB 16 as promised during his campaign. Governor Davis set up a face to face meeting(s) with an ADAPT delegation, representing consumers and workers, to establish a plan and a timeline to raise IHSS wages to a living wage. The lifting of the arbitrary cap on IHSS hours which causes the unnecessary institutionalization of some of our disabled brothers and sisters and threatens many others. WHAT: A "visit" to the Governor's office to clarify our position and present our demands. WHERE: The Governor's Office, 455 California St., San Francisco WHEN: Wednesday, August 11th Between 1:00 and 1:30 PM - Meet in front of SF City Hall (across from the Plaza)2:00 - The Governor's office. BACKGROUND: Several years ago, disabled and senior advocates made a great effort to convince the state to obtain federal funds to improve a woefully inadequate homecare (In Home Supportive Services or IHSS) program. Former Governor Wilson then made massive cuts in state funding for IHSS, citing the recession as the reason. Wilson used the new federal money to replace state funds instead of its intended purpose. The recession is now over and the state has a budget surplus. In spite of this, Governor Davis went back on his promise to support AB 16 and vetoed the trailer bill which would have provided the 90 million dollars outlined in AB 16 for modest improvements in wages and benefits in several counties. Instead, the governor signed another trailer bill which contained only a third of the necessary funds and will only be for one year. CONTACTS: Mark Beckwith - 510-841-6406, Blane Beckwith - 510-841-6406, ---- ANTELOPE VALLEY DEAF FRIENDS ASSOCIATION TO HAVE HIPPIE PARTY Antelope Valley Deaf Friends Association presents the HIPPIE Party!!! Single & Married on Saturday, August 7, 1999 from 5:30 p.m. to 12:00 A.m. Midnight Takes place at : 44633 Kingtree Avenue Lancaster, Ca AVDFA Members SENIOR CITIZENS & Non-Members with Potluck $2.00 with potluck $1.50 w/o potluck $4.00 w/o potluck $3.50 ***Potluck has to be BBQ style for example: Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chips, Potato Salad, Corn, Beans, Sodas, etc. We Also will provide BBQ Potluck & you are welcome to have some with us! **** Everyone is INVITED to the Hippie Single & Married Party. You MUST be 18 or older to attend. There will be games & prizes to WIN! ! To make this event a special one, PLEASE dress up in hippie style of the 60's. There will be a vote for King & Queen for the night but they have to be SINGLE. Come Join the fun! Bring your friends & have a BLAST in the Past of the 60's! Do NOT miss this SPECIAL NIGHT! Directions: North on 14 freeway (coming from South Ave K, Canyon Country, San Fernando Valley) exit (off ramp) on Avenue K Stay in Middle Lane to go straight which becomes 15th West Stay on 15th West until you see Avenue J Turn right on Avenue J Turn Left on 12th Street West Turn right on Milling Street Turn right on Kingtree Heading South on 14 Freeway (Bakersfield, Avenue I ) Exit Avenue J Turn left on Avenue J pass 20th West continue on Avenue J see 12th Street West Turn Left on 12th Street West Turn right on Milling Street Turn right on Kingtree ---- WHO IS YOUR COMMUNITY HERO? Nominate an outstanding volunteer, volunteer program or volunteer organization for the Daily Points of Light Award. Given each weekday by the Points of Light Foundation, the Corporation for National Service and the Knights of Columbus, the award honors those that make positive and lasting differences in the lives of others. Each recipient receives a congratulatory letter from President Bill Clinton and former President George Bush and a certificate. Each recipient is featured on the Points of Light Foundation's web site at . Additionally, recipients are given exposure to local and national media and members of Congress. Nominations may be submitted online at the following address: Additionally, the nomination form for the Daily Points of Light Awards is available by calling the Awards Hotline at (202) 729-8184 or emailing . While nomination submissions are accepted throughout the year, the regular selection period is quarterly, with deadlines of February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. Toyja R. Somerville Manager, Daily Points of Light Awards P.S. Sign up for E-Points of Light! Read daily about "The Nation's Volunteer of the Day" - a community hero that engages in volunteer service to solve serious social problems. To subscribe, send a message to with the command "subscribe E-Points of Light" in the body. ---- NATIONAL ADAPT CHALLENGES NATIONAL GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION INTEGRATION and REAL CHOICE Hundreds of disabled activists from throughout the United States will be demonstrating at the National Governors Association, NGA conference being held at the Adams Mark Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri, August 7th - 10th. There will be a "March" to the Old Court House starting a 9pm on August 7th and a rally/press opportunity at the Old Court House at 9:30pm, 4th and Market Street. ADAPT, a national grassroots disability rights group is challenging the NGA to support the most integrated setting requirement in the Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA and to work with ADAPT to implement the recent Supreme Court ruling in "Olmstead v. LC & EW". ADAPT also wants the NGA to support national legislation, MiCASSA that would change the institutional bias of the current Medicaid long term care delivery system. In Olmstead v. LC & EW, the Supreme Court for the first time in history, ruled states must follow the ADA's integration requirement when they deliver ongoing long term community services and supports. The Court stated, "unjustified placement or retention of persons in institutions, severely limiting their exposure to the outside community, constitutes a form of discrimination. The NGA had filed a amicus brief IN OPPOSITION to the most integrated setting requirement in the ADA putting every Governor against the disability community's position that all individuals with disabilities should have the right to choose where they live and receive support services in the most integrated setting. Michelle Steiger, ADAPT organizer from St. Louis stated, "People with disabilities, young or old wants an equal opportunity to live in the community. We demand integration and real choices. The NGA has taken a position that would have taken away our civil rights. We are saying `DON'T TREAD ON THE ADA'". ADAPT is planning three days of protests which will begin with the rally at the Old Court House on 4th and Market. ---- GLICKMAN RELEASES NEW BOOK Greetings from DEAFinitely Yours Studio in Silver Spring, MD, USA! This message contains both an announcement and an invitation. First, the announcement... Ken Glickman proudly announces a new book, Deaf Proverbs, due to come out in the middle of August! More information can be found at . Secondly, the invitation... You are invited to join Ken's mailing list where you will be kept informed of his new book and other publications as well as his DEAFology comedy shows on a timely basis. It's real easy to join (just do nothing and you are still on this mailing list), and it's free! DEAFinitely Yours, - Ken Glickman, a.k.a. "Prof. Glick" 301-434-4040 TTY 301-434-6626 FAX ---- AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT TITLE II RULED UNCONSTITUTIONAL ADA Title II Ruled Unconstitutional in 8th Circuit! Bob Kafka of ADAPT reports: On July 23, 1999 the US Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit ruled in a case called "Christopher B. Alsbrook vs City of Maumelle, Arkansas" No. 97-1825 LEXIS 16945 that "... extension of Title II of the ADA to the State exceeds Congress's authority under Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment." They said: " In sum, it cannot be said in applying Title II of the ADA to the states, Congress has acted to enforce equal protection guarantees for the disabled as they have been defined by the Supreme Court. We find therefore, that the extension of Title II of the ADA to the states was not a proper exercise of Congress's power under Section 5 of the Fourteeenth Amemdent." In real words they have said that in the 8th Circuit (States included are: Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota) Title II of the ADA is unconstitutional!! YES- ADA TITLE II State and Local Governments UNCONSTITUTIONAL!! It is unclear whether these states currently have any ADA Title II responsibilities or if advocates have any Title II claims. This ruling is in conflict with 4 other Circuit Courts which ruled Title II constitutional which means the Supreme Court will have to make the final determination. Yes - the 9 in robes deciding our RIGHTS!! What is clear is that ADA is under major attack not only in the 8th Circuit but all over the country. Some case testing the constitutionality of the ADA will almost certainly go before the Supreme Court next session. Get ready for the battles!!! Stayed tuned for more info. DON'T MOURN ...... ORGANIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T TREAD ON THE ADA. ---- OCDAC TO HAVE A FUNDRAISER SWAPMEET SALE ON AUGUST 7 (TODAY) Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center is having another sale at the local SSSS W W A PPPP MM MM EEEEE EEEEE TTTTT S W W A A P P M M M M E E T SSS W W W A A PPPP M M M EEE EEE T S W W AAAAA P M M E E T SSSS W W A A P M M EEEEE EEEEE T LOCATION : Golden West College Parking lot spaces Q-5 and Q-6 near Edinger street in Huntington Beach, California. DATE : August 7, 1999 TIME : 8 AM - 3 PM SUPPORT OUR DEAF CENTER IF YOU CAN COME TO THE SWAPMEET OR VISIT THE DEAF CENTER'S WEBSITE AT HTTP://WWW.DEAFADVOCACY.COM/PRODUCT.HTM We plan on selling the items very cheap so we'll need LOTS, LOTS, AND LOTS OF STUFF! Our space will be double the size as last time. SPECIAL BULLETIN! Negotiations underway to establish a donation collection site at the parking lot of an upscale shopping center is going very well! This will provide us with a steady flow of donated goods for future swapmeet sales operations. We will be needing volunteers manning this collection every day 7 days a week from 8am to 7pm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Business Association Management (of the upscale area shopping center) fully supports our cause! WE WILL NEED TRUCKS AND VOLUNTEERS. COME ON OVER AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! ---- NEZ'S CYBER MALL SUPPORTS THE DEAF COMMUNITY Nez's Cyber Mall is a fundraiser project that will help support the newly created Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center. This mall has been designed with accessibility in mind. All commissions generated by sales activity within this mall will be used to support the Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center. Nez's Cyber Mall can be found at: Http:// ---- OFFICE OF ASSEMBLYMEMBER NELL SOTO HAS AN OPENING FOR A FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Effective immediately, Assemblymember Nell Soto has an opening in her District Office for a Field Representative. In addition to the following qualifications, the successful applicant must be flexible to work hours that meet the needs of the Member. · Excellent writing and research skills · Exceptional communication skills and an active desire to interact with local constituencies · Experience working with local community organizations and labor groups · Strong community organizing skills · Desire to quickly work any issue or problem through to its best solution · Proficient with basic computer programs (MS Word, etc.) · Ability to work well with others · Ability to prioritize and manage numerous tasks. Duties will include, but are not limited to: Developing and implementing outreach programs; writing press releases, editorials and letters to the editor; responding to constituent inquiries; conducting research on district projects; attending meetings on behalf of the Assembly Member; and interfacing with constituents, government offices, community groups, legislative liaisons, advocacy organizations, and non-governmental organizations in handling limited casework. Salary: Commensurate with experience and within Assembly pay scale Deadline: Until filled Resumes should be faxed or mailed to: Assemblymember Nell Soto 61st Assembly District Attn: Elias Rojas, District Director 822 N. Euclid Avenue Ontario, CA 91762 Fax # (909) 984-7741 ---- JOB OPENINGS AT THE TLC The Learning Center for Deaf Children (TLC) serves Deaf and hard -of -hearing students from infancy through high school. Throughout it's history TLC has been a leader in Deaf education and was the first school in Massachusetts to advocate the use of sign language in addition to spoken English. Come work for an exciting, growing, "family-oriented" environment to enhance your own personal and professional growth. The following opportunities await the right person: o High School Teachers: Science & English o Middle School Science Teacher o Elementary Special Needs Teacher o Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) or Spoken English Teacher o Daycare Teacher: must be OFC certified o Elementary Teacher Aides o High School Dorm Advisors: second shift o High School Overnight Dorm Counselors o MIS Computer Specialist TLC offers an extensive benefits package including , Health and Dental coverage, employer sponsored retirement plan, 403B plan, sick, personal & professional days, workshop reimbursement, fully paid long and short term disability insurance. As members of Massachusetts Approved Private Schools we are also able to offer discounts for car , apartment, and homeowners insurance. Additional Advantages of working at TLC: o ASL environment (over 50 % of staff are Deaf) o Competitive Salaries o State of the Art Curriculum Development o Extensive Training/ Inservice Program o Solid , professional team approach Please visit our Website at : Send Cover letter , resume and three letters of reference to: Tricia Ford , 848 Central Street, Framingham , MA 01701 phone # 508-879-5110, fax # 508-875-3355 and email at ---- ON THE LIGHTER SIDE OF THE LEGAL WAR ZONE........ You Know You Need A New Lawyer When... 1. During your initial consultation he tries to sell you Amway. 2. He tells you that his last good case was a "Budweiser." 3. When the prosecutors see who your lawyer is, they high-five each other. 4. He picks the jury by playing "duck-duck-goose." 5. During the trial you catch him playing his Gameboy. 6. He asks a hostile witness to "pull my finger." 7. A prison guard is shaving your head. 8. Every couple of minutes he yells, "I call Jack Daniels to the stand!" and proceeds to drink a shot. 9. He frequently gives juror No. 4 the finger. 10. He places a large "No Refunds" sign on the defense table. 11. He begins closing arguments with, "As Ally McBeal once said ..." 12. He keeps citing the legal case of Godzilla v. Mothra. 13. Just before trial starts he whispers, "The judge is the one with the little hammer, right?" 14. Just before he says "Your Honor," he makes those little quotation marks in the air with his fingers. 15. The sign in front of his law office reads "Practicing Law Since 2:25 PM." 16. Whenever his objection is overruled, he tells the judge, "Whatever." 17. He giggles every time he hears the word "briefs." ---------------------- Letters from Readers: Dear Disability Community: H.U.M.A.N. (Handicaps United Means Accountability by all Nations) announces an international campaign to have a Disability Holiday. The Holiday will be called, "Admiration Day." It will be December 22 of each year. This day will be set aside to celebrate the disabled community and the non-disabled community working together and living together. Send A White Ribbon Agencies will send a white ribbon to the consumers for being there in supporting their agency. Consumers will send a white ribbon to these agencies for helping them that year. People with disabilities will send a white ribbon to businesses that tried to be accessible that year (i.e., built a ramp, widen doorways, etc.). All people will send a white ribbon to the family and/or friends of those that have lost a person with disability. All people will send a white ribbon to family and/or friends that have recently become a part of the disability community, to welcome them. People with disabilities will send their doctors and nurses a white ribbon to thank them. All non-disabled person should send at least one person with a disability a white ribbon. All person with a disability should at least one non-disabled person a white ribbon. To show admiration for the other community. People with disabilities will send a white ribbon to their personal care assistants to thank them. Disability agencies and people with disabilities should send a white ribbon to legislators if the legislators help with disability issues that year. Please show your support for Admiration Day. Let us all in the disabled community and non-disabled community show that we can work together and support each other. Let us all show our holiday cheer. Thank you, Paul Cannaday H.U.M.A.N. President ============================================================== DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange County, California Richard Roehm President Internet : Website Http:// =============================================================== Feel free to redistribute this newsletter in it's entirety and if you are planning to add a mailing list as a subscriber then let me know for my records. Thank you. =============================================================== Deaf Workers of Orange County will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community. =============================================================== Education is the best gift that lasts a lifetime! 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