DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY PROJECT -- DEAF WORKERS WEEKLY BULLETIN -- September 25, 1999 Greetings, Next weekend, the community should have a meeting on deafness and the Greater Los Angeles Council on Deafness. We dont know if this will be a melodramatic informational presentation or a Jerry Springer-like event. In all, concerns on deaf services in the Greater Los Angeles area will be addressed. I have no idea how this meeting will go but I feel a sizeable number of people will be involved in this meeting. There is a need for rent control inside OC and with rents spiraling even higher the need gets stronger. Political organizations have already seen this opportunity to build trust with the community and the Green Party has already started meetings in the direction of Rent Control while the Democrats are trying to decide whether to get involved or not while the Republicans seem to be out of this picture completely at this time. Richard Roehm ---- COURT SAYS CGAA MUST GET INTERPRETER FOR 12 YEAR OLD DEAF HOCKEY PLAYER Minnesota Department of Human Rights: Court Rules 12-Year-Old Deaf Hockey Player is Entitled to Sign Language Interpreter ST. PAUL, Minn., Sept. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Because of timely action by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, a 12-year-old boy who is deaf will be able to play hockey this year. District Court Judge Gary Schurrer ruled yesterday that the Cottage Grove Athletic Association must provide a qualified sign language interpreter for Jacob Lingle. The preliminary order came in response to a motion brought by the Department of Human Rights. "I'm pleased that the department was able to obtain relief for this child in such a timely manner," said Commissioner of Human Rights Janeen E. Rosas. "Because hockey tryouts are occurring this week, we had to act quickly, and we did. In this instance, justice delayed would have been justice denied." The court found that there was reasonable cause to believe the athletic association had discriminated against Jacob, by failing to make adequate accommodation for his disability. The court concluded that to avoid discrimination against Jacob because of his disability, the Cottage Grove Athletic Association must provide and pay for a qualified sign language interpreter. The interpreter must be provided at all hockey try-outs in which Jacob will participate, and at all practices, scrimmages, games and other meetings of the hockey team of which Jacob is a member. Minnesota law requires that organizations such as youth athletic associations make reasonable modifications in their programs so that children with disabilities can participate as fully as other children. "We're delighted that Jacob will be able to play hockey this year," said his mother, Cathi Lingle. "Last year there was no interpreter, so he could hardly communicate with the coaches and his teammates. We're pleased that the Department and the court acted quickly. You don't get another chance to be 12-years-old and play hockey." As for Jacob, he's busy getting ready for this Saturday's tryouts. "I am very happy now," he said. SOURCE Minnesota Department of Human Rights ---- SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT TO BE CUT UP TO $1.38 BILLION SOCIAL SERVICES BLOCK GRANT CUTS -Title XX of the Social Security Act could be cut by $1-$1.38 billion dollars in one year, drastically diminishing its effectiveness. It is vital that SSBG funding be allocated at the authorized level of $2.38 billion, says The Title XX Coalition. SEVERE REDUCTIONS - being considered for the Social Services Block Grant would have significant adverse consequences for large numbers of low-income families with children and low-income elderly and disabled people. Such cuts also could weaken welfare reform efforts by reducing funding for child care services and other supports for families that have moved from welfare to work, writes Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SOURCE : FAMILIES USA ---- CHAIRMAN KENNARD TO CONVENE FOLLOW-UP PUBLIC FORUM ON A NEW FCC FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Chairman Kennard today announced that he will convene a follow-up public forum to discuss his recently released draft strategic plan for the Federal Communications Commission. The Chairman submitted his draft strategic plan to Congress in August outlining his vision for the FCC. This plan, titled *A New FCC for the 21st Century,* is available on the FCC website at: The forum will be held from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on Thursday, September 30, 1999, in the Commission Meeting Room at 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, DC, and will be open to the public. Seating will be available on a first come, first served basis. Chairman Kennard will welcome the forum participants and Kathryn Brown, the FCC's Chief of Staff, will moderate the discussion. The forum will be open captioned. In the draft strategic plan, the Chairman identified four primary goals to successfully carry out the transition from a market regulator to a market facilitator: (1) create a model agency for the digital age; (2) promote competition in all communications markets; (3) promote opportunities for all Americans to benefit from the communications revolution; and (4) manage the electromagnetic spectrum (the Nation*s airwaves) in the public interest. The agenda for the September 30 forum will include a half-hour session on each of these four goals and an introduction and wrap-up by the Chief of Staff. Specifically, participants are asked to comment on the initiatives identified in the plan under each goal as well as on any other aspects of the draft strategic plan, including recommended legislative proposals. The Chairman held three public forums last May and June with approximately 75 representatives of General Industry, Consumers, State & Local Governments, and Academic and Organizational Experts to discuss the future of the FCC. At these forums, participants were asked to address three questions: (1) what should the FCC*s role be in the 21st century; (2) how can the FCC work more efficiently and effectively to deliver services to the public; and (3) how should the FCC be structured in the communications marketplace of the future? All participants from the previous forums, as well as anyone else interested in participating, are invited to attend the follow-up forum to express their views on the draft plan. An e-mail site has been established to receive additional input from the public. The e-mail address is: The forum will also be carried live on the Internet, barring any technical difficulties. Internet users may listen to the real-time audio feed of the forum via the FCC Internet Audio Broadcast Home Page. Step-by-step instructions on how to listen to the audio broadcast, as well as information regarding the equipment and software needed, are available on the FCC Internet Audio Broadcast Home Page. The URL address for this home page is: A transcript of the forum will be available 10 business days after the event on the FCC's Internet site. The URL address for the FCC's Internet Home Page is: Transcripts of all of the forums also may be obtained from the FCC's duplicating contractor, International Transcription Service, 1231 20th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, by calling ITS at (202) 857-3800, TTY (202) 293-8810, or faxing ITS at (202) 857-3805. Audio and video tapes of the forums may be purchased from Infocus, 341 Victory Drive, Herndon, VA 20170, by calling Infocus at (703) 834-0100 or by faxing Infocus at (703) 834-0111. Copies of the transcript in other alternative formats (computer diskette, large print, and Braille) are available to persons with disabilities by contacting Martha Contee at (202) 418-0260 voice, (202) 418-2555 TTY, or at Anyone wishing to attend this forum should contact Steve Klitzman at (202) 418-1913, TTY (202) 418-2555 or Lisa Gaisford at (202) 418-7280, TTY (202) 418-1169. News Media contact: Maureen Peratino at (202) 418-0506 voice, (202) 418-2555 TTY. ---- SENATE REPUBLICANS DELAY JUDICIAL NOMINATIONS OF WOMEN, MINORITIES WHILE FAST-TRACKING HATCH'S PICK A skirmish is expected in the Senate tomorrow over the nomination of Utah conservative Ted Stewart, a friend of Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah). While Stewart's nomination to the federal bench has leap-frogged to the front of the line, the Senate has failed to act on the nominations of women, Latinos and African Americans whose names have been awaiting approval for as long as three and a half years. "The Republican Party's message of 'inclusion' and outreach to women and minorities clearly has not reached the Senate leadership. These constituencies might want to look at what the Republicans actually do when they have power, rather than what they promise on the campaign trail," said People For the American Way Legal Director Elliot Mincberg. An analysis of judicial nominations and confirmations by People For the American Way (PFAW) shows that the Senate's already poor record worsened in 1999. By this time last year, the Senate had only confirmed 39 new judges; so far this year, that number has fallen even further, to a scanty 17. At this time last year, there had been 10 judicial confirmation hearings; this year there have only been four. The Senate slowdown has been most pronounced with minority and female nominees. Of the 10 candidates whose nominations have been delayed the longest, seven are women or minorities. "The Senate is simply not playing fair with women and minorities nominated to the federal courts. Their names should be brought to the Senate floor and be voted up or down," said Mincberg. For example, Richard Paez, nominated in January 1996 to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, won Committee approval in 1998 but remains on hold because the Senate has not brought his nomination to a vote. The federal district court nomination of Judge Ronnie White, an African-American judge on the Missouri Supreme Court, is another example of delay and inaction. The Committee received his nomination in June 1997 and has approved it, but the full Senate has taken no action. These two nominees - along with four others on the attached "Top Ten Delayed Nominations" list - have been nominated for seats that the U.S. Judicial Conference has identified as "judicial emergencies." ______________________________________________________________________ TOP TEN LONGEST DELAYED JUDICIAL NOMINEES Listed below are the ten judicial nominees submitted by President Clinton whose nominations have been delayed the longest so far in 1999. Seven out of ten are women or minorities. Nominee Original Date Ethnicity/Gender Status (Court) (renominated) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RICHARD PAEZ 1-26-96 Hispanic Male Out of comt. 7-27-99 (9th Cir.) (1/26/99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- HELENE WHITE 1-7-97 White Female No hearing/No action (6th Cir.) (1-26-99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RONALD GOULD 11-8-97 White Male No hearing/No action (9th Cir.) (1-26-99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MARSHA BERZON 1-27-98 White Female Out of comt. 7-1-99 (9th Cir.) (1-26-99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Timothy Dyk 4-1-98 White Male No hearing/No action (Fed. Cir.) (1-26-99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BARRY GOODE 6-24-98 White Male No hearing/No action (9th Cir.) (1-26-99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RONNIE WHITE 6-26-97 Black Male Out of comt. 7-22-99 (ED-MO) (1-26-99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lynette Norton 4-29-98 White Female No hearing/No action (WD-PA) (1-26-99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Virginia Phillips 5-11-98 White Female No hearing/No action (CD-CA) (1-26-99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Legrome Davis 7-30-98 Black Male No hearing/No action (ED-PA) (1-26-99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NB: Names in ALL CAPS are nominees to vacancies designated by the Judicial Conference of the United States as Judicial Emergencies. ______________________________________________________________________ MORE INFORMATION ON PFAW'S WEBSITE: ---- GOVERNOR DAVIS SIGNS LEGISLATION TO HELP DISABLED STUDENTS SACRAMENTO - Governor Gray Davis has signed legislation, AB 422 by Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento), requiring publishers of instructional materials to provide the University of California, the California State University or the California Community Colleges with an unencrypted electronic format of any printed instructional material requested for use by disabled students. The electronic format must be provided in a timely manner and at no additional cost. This bill will help students with disabilities that need access to instructional materials required by colleges and universities. This bill will save time and money spent scanning or transcribing these materials. This bill augments current law that requires publishers to provide the state the right to transcribe, reproduce and distribute instructional materials in Braille, large print, audio recordings or other accessible media for use by students with visual disabilities. GOVERNOR GRAY DAVIS - SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 - (916) 445-2841 ---- COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR SENATORS ARE NOW FREE FROM CONSERVATIVE WEBSITE How to Fax Your US Senator for FREE! Please save this information -- put it somewhere where you can find it easily for future reference -- I have a feeling we will be urging you to use it soon. John Wilmerding Fax the Senators! A radio personality at a conservative talk-radio station has an interesting web page. He has a free faxing service, where you can fax a massage to 96 of the US Senators.   Want to send a fax to one, two or all 96 Senators? If so just follow these instructions: 1. Compose your message in your email program. 2. Go to the above listed page, highlight and copy one, or the entire block of addresses to your clipboard. 3. Return to your email and paste the clipboard into the "TO:" field of your out-going message. 4. Send it. You will receive one confirming email message for each name you sent to. If you need a little help with the copy & paste procedure see the following: This is specifically for copying from a word-processor into a search engine, but the procedures apply equally to the above. PS Don't expect that your faxes will be anonymous. I expect the automated faxing system will include your email address and/or other identifying info. ---- FREE TRIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS FROM DEAFNATION TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT! DeafNation Introduces "6-Month Free Trial Subscription Offer" for New Subscribers to monthly DeafNation Newspaper SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND - On heels of DeafNation's parent company, WebbyNation's relocation to National Association of the Deaf building in Silver Spring, MD, DeafNation recently launched a new marketing campaign to recruit new readers for its colorful monthly newspaper. Click on this link: and readers will be taken to a page where they can sign up for their free 6-month subscription to DeafNation. They will be required to answer all the questions on the sign-up form, and once they complete it, they can expect their first issue within 4-8 weeks. This offer is good for new subscribers to DeafNation newspaper that reside in US/Canada only. "This is an excellent opportunity for individuals, businesses and organizations to sign up for their free 6-month subscription to DeafNation," said Marvin Miller, Editor-in-Chief, DeafNation. "With this trial offer, they can see for themselves if DeafNation is a worthy addition to their households. I am confident that they will see it that way!" CEO of WebbyNation, Inc., Joel Barish said, "This is no obligation, no risk offer to any new subscriber... this is really a "can't lose" proposition for our new readers. Just be sure to tell your friends and family members about it!" The information that the readers share with DeafNation will be kept strictly confidential. Go to: to sign up today! Forward this to your friends! WebbyNation, Inc. specializes in multimedia communications targeting the deaf & hard of hearing community, and the services & products available include: Internet dial-up service, webhosting service, DeafNation newspaper, DeafNation on web, DeafNationStore (an online e-commerce store selling WyndTell pagers among others), and a free weekly eDeafNation e-mail newsletter. The company is currently headquartered at 814 Thayer Avenue, #350, Silver Spring, MD 20910. (301) 562-6010 TTY and (301) 562-6030 FAX. Web: ---- Orange County Deaf Advocacy Center is having another sale at the local SSSS W W A PPPP MM MM EEEEE EEEEE TTTTT S W W A A P P M M M M E E T SSS W W W A A PPPP M M M EEE EEE T S W W AAAAA P M M E E T SSSS W W A A P M M EEEEE EEEEE T LOCATION : Golden West College Parking lot spaces Q-33 and Q-34 near Edinger street in Huntington Beach, California. DATE : TODAY September 25, 1999 TIME : 8 AM - 3 PM SUPPORT OUR DEAF CENTER IF YOU CAN COME TO THE SWAPMEET OR VISIT THE DEAF CENTER'S WEBSITE AT HTTP://WWW.DEAFADVOCACY.COM/PRODUCT.HTM If you can donate items to us for the swapmeet sale, please do it before 6pm friday September 24. We plan on selling the donated items very cheap so we'll need LOTS, LOTS, AND LOTS OF STUFF! COME ON OVER AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! ---- BLIND CHILDREN'S LEARNING CENTER HAS AN OPENING Blind Children's Learning Center (Orange County, California) Teacher for the Visually Impaired Santa Ana, California United States Salary: Please contact agency ---- LONG BEACH UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Infant/Preschool Referral Center 4310 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90807 (562) 422-6868 TDD (562) 423-8595 ANNOUNCES A CERTIFICATED JOB OPPORTUNITY FOR INFANT/TODDLER PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR Qualifications: Equivalent to a Bachelor of Arts Degree in early childhood education/special education/Early Intervention /low incidence or Infant/Toddler specialist. Experience: Prefer work within a center-based toddler program or school setting, day care facility, nursery or private setting, sensitive to the needs of toddlers with disabilities. Special: (1)Knowledge of deafness, culture, and sign language required. (2)Certification/knowledge of the SKI-HI curriculum preferred. Instruction and support to families of infants and toddlers in an in-home setting. Knowledge of CA Early Start Program/IDEA (Part C) helpful. Work with a diverse population, including multi-ethnic and multi-lingual staff and families. (3) Possession of a valid California Driver's License, and a safe driving record at the time of appointment may be required. The Position: An Infant/Toddler Program Instructor, under general supervision will develop, organize, and implement a curriculum, which meets the needs of toddlers with various degrees of hearing loss. Together with the family, develop and implement goals and objectives of the Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). Aid in the transition and placement in preschool programs. Assist families in accessing community services and resources. Instruction will primarily be center-based with some additional home visits required. Instruction is to be conducted in accordance with the program's philosophy of Total Communication, and is to emphasize the development and enhancement of language. This position is 15-20 hours/ three days per week. Applications are now being accepted. Position opened until filled. Salary: Commensurate upon experience. Interested applicants should contact: Rachel Heenan, M.A. NCC Service Coordinator, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Infant/Toddler Program (562) 422-6868 ext. 273 or (562) 423-8595 TDD Approved: E. Campbell, Program Administrator, Office of Special Ed. ---- WANTED: A TOUGH, BRIGHT JOB-SEEKER I'm looking for a positive-thinking job-seeker who wants a terrific job paying good money with a good employer for a superior future. If he/she has touch-typing skill, I'll help him/her get a job better than any of the jobs deaf people usually get. The job-seeker will use English face-to-face in job interviews using new face-to-face keyboard communication equipment which I'll provide free for the interviews. When hired, the employer will acquire this equipment for the deaf employee to use in the workplace with hearing co-workers. This is an opportunity not only for the job-seeker, but also for the employer to learn that a deaf employee can be tremendously valuable because he's communicating his ideas, skills and talent in English on a face-to-face basis, which is exactly what employers want from all employees. My services are free. Contact: Morton Warnow, 19 Main Street -- #703, Danbury, Ct 06810, (203) 778-5218 Voice-TDD-FAX e-mail: ---------------------- Hi. I noticed that you have posted an article of mine in a recent newletter. The article described a lawsuit against a Hawaii union for failing to provide interpreters. Just wanted to let you know that I did later report on the settlement of that case in an April 2, 1999 article. I have a link to that story (and others in this series on the UPW): Ian Lind Investigative Reporter Honolulu Star-Bulletin ---------------------- Incidental information. When asked why there are no TDDs (TTYs) in Israel, Amatzia Wiesel told me they don't need any. Why? Because, he said, they have FAX machines. Do you know how many deaf people in Israel are using FAX machines? Is the oral method of Hebrew instruction being used in Israeli classrooms? What classroom method (s) are they using for Hebrew instruction? How effective is Hebrew instruction for deaf children in Israel? What is the purpose of the International Congress on the Education of The Deaf? What are the credentials of their administrators? Are they responsive to the worst problems of the deaf let alone their communicative problems? In 1995 when I participated in the 18th International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, I left two (2) English alophabet TDDs benind in Israel. Deaf Israelis never saw a TDD until they saw the one's I demonstrated as "VOICE" equipment. The two (2) TDDs I left behind are the only TDDs in the country. I know for a fact they are being used, but no one will tell me who's using them. Other than myself, no one, including Amatzia Wiesel, has made a move in or outside Israel to make sure the Israeli deaf have Hebrew alphabet TDDs in order to make phone calls. Morton Warnow Danbury, CT ------------------ Deaf Job Discrimination? Home Depot Ever Apply at Home Depot, but Not Hired? Work At Home Depot, But No Interpreters or captioning? Have Work Problems at Home Depot? (because deaf) Maybe Class Action Case-- PLEASE E-mail me! I am helping several deaf/ hard of hearing file a complaint about Home Depot from all across America. Contact me ASAP! Zan Thornton ADAPT of Georgia ============================================================== DEAF WORKERS OF ORANGE COUNTY Orange County, California Richard Roehm President Internet : Website Http:// =============================================================== Feel free to redistribute this newsletter in it's entirety and if you are planning to add a mailing list as a subscriber then let me know for my records. Thank you. =============================================================== Deaf Workers of Orange County will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community. =============================================================== Education is the best gift that lasts a lifetime! 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