Why did I create this great project? Many people asked me this same question over and over. Well folks, here it is! I hope this brings you a sense of understanding of why and how this great project called Deaf Watch Newsletter was created. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To begin with, I am Richard Roehm, a 35 year old Deaf person living in California. Secondly I am a victim of discrimination and I had a legal case already in the system and I have settled my case this summer after 3 years of negotiations. I know what its like to be disabled. I know how it feels to have been discriminated against and be treated as a second class citizen. I also feel other Deaf people are going through the same thing I did. After spending last 3 yrs recovering from the emotional trauma resulting from repeated acts of discrimination and non-ADA compliance from my former employer of 13.5 yrs in which the last 5 years was very hard on me. I presently unable to seek employment elsewhere as I am still haunted by the experiences. I have been rejecting job offers because I can no longer trust other people to work for. Rather than sitting here and mope all the way, I needed to create an education project to help other Deaf people. Basically there was a need for a news medium that carries the voice and cries of the Deaf community. I just wanted to let other Deaf people know they are not alone and have the same problems as the others and they dont have to take responsibilities for their disability. First of all in the spring of 1996, I got myself a camcorder set and made about 2 dozen video tapes of myself telling my viewers that there are other Deaf people that are facing the same difficulties in life and that something will be done very soon about this. I stressed unity heavily throughout the video. Once done, I distributed my 11 minute videos to highly sociable members of the Deaf community in hopes they will share the tapes and spread the word out for me. A short time later, I was approached by a young Deaf man I had never met before at a shopping center and he said he saw me on a video and he was happy to see that I was going to be helping the Deaf community. He split off signing "Deaf Power" and took off with his fist up in the air. That was when I realized my potentiality of representing a large class of people was becoming real. However making more of the tapes were not cheap and very time consuming. I needed a cheaper and faster medium to carry my message. I decided to try the fax program in my home computer. It all began with a fax list of about 120 Deaf fax numbers throughout the USA in which I could find in the blue TTY telephone book. My first fax newsletter was sent out in the summer of 1996 that carried my message along with little advocacy and Deaf related news. I got some good responses through snail mail as some of the receivers were enjoying what I was doing. So I created a second newsletter to be broadcasted at summer's end. My computer did all the broadcasting ALL NIGHT LONG which was a slow boring and many of the numbers were dead. I even got faxes back telling me to stop sending them the faxes and crap like that. Due to lack of sponsorship for the fax sendouts I have had to stop and look for a new and cheaper medium to carry my message. After realizing that the internet was cheap and I could send a letter to a large group at a fraction of the time. I decided to rebroadcast my last fax newsletter to a small group and it worked beautifully. Then all of my energies was pumped into this project. Then I needed a name for this newsletter. I named it Deaf Watch because it is a newsletter that looks after the Deaf community. That's when my newsletter was born in November 96. Behold! The e-mail subscriber list started growing by itself! Right now, It is still growing! Finally, all of my newsletters promote Deaf unity and cooperation toward a common goal which is to improve the quality of life for the general Deaf population. With the newsletter running so well and smoothly, I wanted the newsletter to be on the world wide web. On January 24, 1997 I have launched the newsletter homepage "Deaf Watch Homepage" with a few links and textfiles of resource listings. The website was originally just to supplement my newsletter. The main graphic of the flag with the eye and 'Deaf Watch' in alphabet signs represented the meaning of the project which was to look after the Deaf community which is represented by the buildings. I wanted my website to be a safe haven for the Deaf community. I was still new to the internet at that time and exploring the unknowns of the World Wide Web at that time. The website then grew fast and gained popularity over time and now it presently it has over 100 visitors daily.. Yes 100+ people looking for Deaf resources and information at my site every day! After responding to the concerns of some of our visually disabled visitors, people with slow connections, and others, I redesigned the website and implemented the changes on November 1, 1997. The new website is more accessible and has even greater wealth of information. Deaf Watch Homepage is now the Ultimate Deaf Resource Center. There are immediate plans to add 2 mirror sites within the next 3 months to handle the extra load of visitors. Above all this website continues to grow and protect the Deaf community by providing them with all the information they need. I also represented the Deaf Watch Newsletter outside the internet. I have been seen in the news as a civil rights demonstrator and activist on several occasions. The best of them were when I helped Mexican organizations rally against the anti-affirmative action legislation known as Proposition 209. I was seen in the news holding a large yellow sign with "We Need Justice" for about 2 seconds. Then came the successful Greyhound Bus protest for ADAPT in which I pasted many signs demanding that they buy buses with wheelchair lifts at the Santa Ana Terminal. And recently I joined Loretta Sanchez in her protest against crybaby B-1 Bob Dornan tying up her congressional business at the Old Orange County Courthouse. Deaf Watch Newsletter also has forged strong alliances with heavy duty disability organizations like DICOMP and ADAPT. I hold membership commitments to the following organizations: 1) American Civil Liberties Union 2) National Association of the Deaf 3) American Association of People with Disabilities 4) World Association of Persons with Disabilities 5) California Association of the Deaf 6) The Disabilities/Industrial Complex 7) National Civil Rights Museum By studying website, my newsletters, and press releases, you will develop a picture of me as a guardian of the Deaf community. By looking at the Press Announcements link you will find my letters I have sent to officials and to the press both Deaf and the locals. By allowing other Deaf people to contribute, my newsletters carry the true voice of the Deaf community. My long term goal is to safeguard the rights of the disability community by providing them with information and resources they can use to defend their rights. Actually I am educating the disability community using the internet. Some of my internet postings have reached hardcopy mediums like Deaf newspapers and several snail mail Deaf and disability related newsletters. Deaf Watch will continue to aggressively pursue justice, fairness, and equality for the Deaf Community as it has been doing since November 1996. We have chosen that EDUCATION is the best way accomplish this objective. Your support for this effort to move the Deaf Community forward is greatly appreciated. Thank You Richard Roehm