Open my eyes
A world in a grain of sand.
Images bellow in the sails,
Drifting on an ocean of tears.
Darkness tightens it's grasp,
Light gives way with an explosion of stars.
Mind slips,
A little wander through the celestial dome.

Senses elude visions,
Make way for greater things.
The path falters,
Leads to places unknown.
Sound provides a clear funnel.
An illusionary reality,
My soul mirrored as a speck of light.

Ahead a bouyant void of hope,
Gloom denounces and prevails.
Unbalanced and unrivaled.
Fortified against assault,
High walls of unblemished fury.
Anger, primitive mastery,
False desires.

Sweat beads, rolls aimlessly away..
A wet pillow where the comfort used to be.
Silence.. darkness.
Placid yet unyielding thoughts,
The stealth of sleep intrudes...
Drowned in a wave of darkness,
unrelenting, undeviating..

-Michael Hampton