We have walked on the beach at midnight.
Walked in the summer's rain, soaking wet. We've climbed mountains together, my pet.
But we haven't even started yet.
We've spent some years alone and apart.
Each time it was a rocky start
Oh, we thought we were so smart.
But we were always just one heart.
We have lived a simple life
became the traditional man and wife.
Living in the day to day strife.
seemed never to be quite enough.
We started again fresh and new
Had we known it was so hard to do,
There are days so hard to get through.
Being apart is unbearable to me and you
so we spend our time thinking back
To times when our life did not lack
So the emptiness isn't so hard to hack.
To when our lives were not such a wreck.
When we walked on the beach at midnight.
Walked in the summer rain, all wet.
When we climbed mountains together, my pet.
Remembering, still, we haven't even started yet.