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 It's not that easy being a teacher! 

We begin each semester with an enthusiastic smile, an abundance of energy, and great exciting plans for our student's education. However, slowly yet surely, we sink into a melting pot of paper work, administrative duties, marking, extracurricular activities, and endless lesson planning. Gradually our smiles fade away, our pulses quicken, and it becomes so easy to lose sight of our DIVINE AND HOLY CALL TO LOVE OUR STUDENTS - to listen to them, to be sensitive, understanding, and compassionate to them, to teach them, and to open up the doors of education for them.

Lord, we acknowledge that YOU alone are the GREATEST TEACHER, and we turn to You today to ask that you guide each one of us as we renew our 'call' to minister to the young people entrusted into our care. 

Help us to keep a young person's eyes - that reflect hope and fear, enthusiasm and insecurity - ever before us, as we strive to reach out to them. 

Guide us in the midst of overloaded schedules, fill our hearts with Your love, and help us to never lose sight of our goal - TO BE A SIGN OF JESUS PRESENCE IN THE LIVES OF OUR STUDENTS.



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© Suzanne Hurley 1997 - 2003