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earest Lord,

Today I really blew it!

I lost control of my eating habits, and I just couldn't stop binging!

I was 'scarfing down' food - any food - just to fill up the emptiness inside my heart.

I was hurting Lord! I was feeling very stressed out, very sad, and overwhelmed by life! I wanted something to make me feel better, and I turned to food! 
However, this is never, ever the answer!

         It's like a circle - 
        . . . 
           I feel bad, 
           I eat, 
          and then 
         I feel bad about eating!

Help me Lord! 

Help me to call upon You more often when I am overwhelmed with life! 

Help me to realize that help is always just a prayer away!

Most of all, help me to love myself enough not to put myself in any situation that will cause me more harm.

Lord, today I ask that You wrap Your Loving Arms around me! Please fill my heart with Your Divine and Holy Peace that will help me come to know, that it is during these hard times, that I must be even more gentle with myself.

Guide me Lord, to find wholeness again.


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