Slake's Limbo



Slake's Limbo explores the life of a young homeless boy in New York City. In this project you will have the chance to create a fictional homeless character and imagine what their life is like.


You will create a visual verbal essay entitle "A day in the life of…" Your essay will contain experiences typical in the life of a homeless child in an urban setting. Include pictures to illustrate the conditions and experiences that your character experiences every day. (Where they live, food, clothing, daily routine, etc.)

The Process

1. Explore the following sites to gather information on the homeless, the services they may access and problems they might experience. (You may want to cut and paste to a "Word Document" as you explore these sites)

2. Write from the point of view of your character by using a diary or letter format.

3. Include pictures, sketches etc. that help to illustrate living conditions of your character.

4. Include a cover page.

How you will be graded:

· Finished product will be a minimum of 3 pages of text and illustrations (Font 12 - 14)

· Your product meets the task criteria

· Essay is largely computer generated

· Evidence of research

· Evidence of revision and editing

· Attempt to create a unique and creative Project