From a young age Russ Lawson has been (and still is), a student of the
great masters of painting. A native of Seattle Washington, he studied at
the Burnley School of Art and Cornish School of Fine Art-- in that city;
and after graduation, went on to New York City to study further at the
School of Visual Arts. Russ became a working artist after these studies
and had a successful career in New York where he had many commissions
and solo exhibitions. His work has been shown in galleries and museums   
on the East Coast, from Connecticut to Florida.

Over the years, his work has evolved to become an amazing treat for    
the viewer. His landscapes are grand in scale, dynamic and powerful. In
portraiture, his work displays an uncanny ability to collaborate with his
subject, creating an image that naturally brings out the deeper--hidden
nuances within that person. Whether painting landscapes or portraits, his
work seems to convey a certain sense of connectedness with soul.

In the early 1990's, family obligations called him back to Seattle, where
he opened The Lawson Gallery in 'Bell town', Seattle's version of New York's
Soho district. In the Spring of '93 he had a retrospective showing of paintings
at that gallery. After several years of promoting talented artists, Russ decided
in 1997 to devote more time to his own art. He found himself drawn to the
compelling majesty of Washington's Cascade Mountains and moved to the
town of Index, where he has been inspired to try to capture the essence of
the ethereal, natural beauty of that area

The uniqueness of his work is obvious--especially in vibrancy of color,
dimension, texture and scope. He invites the viewer into a plane beyond the
ordinary world--into that place where nature and spirit are one-- into that
inner chi of power and peace within us all

                                                                               Kate Clark    9/99


You can type comments or questions in the space below and it will be
sent via Russ's e-mail address when the submit button is clicked. You
can also leave your name and contact info-- to get on his mailing list.




PO Box 373
Index, WA 98256

phone: 360-793-4162

fax: 360-793-4162

e-mail: [email protected]
