Constitution of Vietnamese Student Association


Article I ? Name

Section I            The name of this organization shall be the Vietnamese Students Association (V.S.A.) at the University of Houston


Article II ? Purpose

Section I          It shall be the purpose of this organization to unite the student body and to promote cultural awareness at the University of Houston.


Article III ? Affiliations

Section I            This association shall be affiliated with any other organization(s) that help V.S.A. achieve its purpose.


Article IV ? Membership

Section I            The membership of this organization shall consist of currently enrolled University of Houston students.

Section II           Any current enrolled student at the University of Houston is eligible to join.

Section III         Membership in this organization will not be based on discrimination based on race, handicap, age, gender, color, creed, religion, political persuasion, sexual orientation or national origin.

Section IV          Member shall pay dues in the amounts determined by the newly elected officers at the beginning of the Fall semester.


Article V ? Officers

Section I            The officers of this organization shall consist of the following six position

(A)  President:

(1)   Considers and executes any actions suggested by members that would be most beneficial and expand the perimeters of the organization

(2)   Attends at least 75% of all meetings and sets the agenda of that meeting.

(3)   Upon the next meeting, the President shall delegate the agenda to the Secretary for that meeting.

(4)   Must be knowledgeable of all organizational rules and guidelines of the University of Houston.

(5)   Can appoint any member to a committee with fair and equal precedence.

(6)   Effectively leads the organization as a while, obey the will off the majority, and encourages participation within the group.

(B)  Vice President

(1)   Shall be aware of activities and functions of the President.

(2)   Will assume all duties and responsibilities of the office of President if the current President is incapable of performing his/her job.

(3)   Be knowledgeable of the activities of other student organizations.

(4)   To assign any postings on coordinated events with other student organizations.

(5)   Attend at least 75% of all meetings and help the President set the agenda for that meeting.

(6)   Must be knowledgeable of all organizational rules and guidelines of the University of Houston.

(7)   To execute and promote unity within the organization.

(C)  Secretary

(1)   To prepare the agenda set by the President.

(2)   Keep an attendance record of all executive and general meetings.

(3)   Keep an accurate record of the proceedings at each meeting.

(4)   Keep a permanent file of all records.

(D)  Treasurer

(1)   Shall keep all financial matters and records.

(2)   Periodically informs the officers and the members of the current financial standing and of the usage and dispensing of the organization?s finances.

(3)   See that funding be appropriated from various funding organizations.

(E)   Publicist

(1)   Promote the organization.

(2)   See to it that events or activities are properly advertised.

(3)   Be head of a committee that is engaged in all matters of public relations (i.e. newsletters, banners, etc.) to attract potential members.

(F)   Historian

(1)   Attend all clubs activities.

(2)   Take pictures of all club activities.

(3)   Keep a scrapbook for the organization.

(4)   Designate a responsible person to substitute when unable to attend an event

(5)   Will be reimbursed for any club related expense upon the proof of expense (i.e. receipts).

Section II            Qualification for each office position must be:

(A)  Good academic standing.

(B)  Must be currently enrolled at the University of Houston.

(C)  Classified as a Sophomore or higher.

(D)  An active member for at least one semester.

Section III           Term of Office

Officers will be elected by active members at the end of the Spring Semester. Office term should last from the end of the Spring Semester that year to end of the Spring Semester of the following year. An officer cannot be re-elected for the same position in any future elections, but can run for a different position. If an officer hold an office for less than half of the office term, then that officer can re-run for the same office at a later date.

Section IV        Provision for the removal of an officer.

Upon complaint from the active members or officers, the President can call a special executive meeting to vote on the removal of an officer. At the meeting, the officer in question will have a chance to defend his/her actions, and be given the chance to resign. If a majority vote cannot be reached, then the active member will vote to remove the officer with a two-third majority vote upon the next meeting. To remove two or more officers, an officer can call a special meeting upon the request of the member to remove the officer in question with a two-third majority vote. Any officer can call a special executive meeting to remove the President with a Majority vote among the officers.


Article VI ? Elections

Section I           Elections will be held one month before the official closing of the Spring Semester. The new officers? term will begin on the official closing date of the Spring Semester and the preceding officers will relinquish their position at that time. The Publicist will inform members at least two weeks ahead of the date of the election. The newly elected officers will be notified by the current President within two weeks following the election.

Section II         Procedure for filling vacancy.

Any vacancy from a resignation or impeachment will be filled by a special election. A special general meeting will be held to nominate candidates for the vacant office. One week after that meeting, elections will be held with a majority vote to determine the new officer.

Section III        One month before the official closing of the Spring Semester, elections shall be held to elect new officers for the next term. Two weeks before the day of the election, nominees must be announced in order to inform the active members of the potential candidates. All voting shall be done by secret ballot. In order to win the office, a majority vote must be reached. Majority stated in this document means fifty one percent (51%) or more unless stated otherwise.


Article VII ? Meetings

Section I           This organization shall meet regular at least twice a month. It is the duty of the Publicist to notify members of the next meeting, either by handbills, prior meeting, etc. It shall be up to the student member if they want to meet during semester breaks and summer sessions.

Section II         Special meetings may be called at any time by at least three current officers upon at least one day notice to active members. Method of notification of the special meeting shall be conducted by any convenient method possible (i.e. banners, call, flyers, etc.).

Section III        A quorum shall consist of at least two officers and three members at any regular or special meeting.


Article VIII ? Executive Board

Section I           The executive board shall consist of all officers and any advisor(s).

Section II         The power of the executive board shall be:

(A)  To amend the constitution with a majority vote of the officers.

(B)  To dismiss any members or officers who defies the will of the board, damages the organization, and/or violates the organization?s prime objective.

(C)  Plan major events.

(D)  Any power deemed necessary to accomplish the organization?s prime objective.


Article IX ? Committees

Section I           Appointment of committees either standing or temporary shall be done by the President or the Vice ? president.


Article X ? Executive Board

Section I          There shall be at least one faculty/staff advisor who shall be member ex officio with no voting privileges.

Section II        It shall be the discretion of the officers to select an advisor.

Section III        The duties and responsibilities of the advisor shall be:

(A)  To give the executive board any recommendations on any event or action.

(B)  Remind the executive board periodically of the organization?s original purpose id they are directed away from that purpose.

(C)  To guide the organization if legal matters occur.


Article XI ? Parliamentary Authority

Section I          Procedures when conduction business during meetings shall follow the Robert?s Rule of Orders.


Article XII ? Amendment of Constitution

Section I           The officers shall vote to propose an amendment and introduce the measure to the members with a two-third majority vote. A special general meeting of the organization?s membership shall be called in order to amend the Constitution. Voting shall be done by secret ballot with at least two-third of the members approving the amendment to be passed.