Pleasure Or Punishment |
Oh, what a joy it is to live In this world which scientists have improved. With all the gadgets that they give, Many of our hardships have been removed. The phone is my biggest treasure, And for hours I do chatter away. Indeed, it is my great pleasure, For I never run out of things to say� There�s just one drawback that I see, To this pastime so simple to learn, For people to say: �Oh, pardon me..� Then leave the phone and forget to return. They call me up with cheery news, Which they must know I am anxious to hear, But all they speak is: �Please excuse� Hold the line, for I�ll be right back my dear.� They have to let the dog outside, Then they decide to light a cigarette. There�s a belt which needs to be tied, And an add they saw which they have to get. They must have a peek at the cake.. A cup of coffee they will stop and drink. They run to see if the baby�s awake.. Then they stop to repair that leak in the sink. I have a secret all my own� It�s a plan I�m nursing with tender care. And one day when I leave the phone, They�ll come back to find�. I won�t be there! |