htilogo (Not yet incorporated)
Microflyovers and new Mall Exits

Massive, cumulative and time-eroding traffic delays do not only occur on highways, but also at malls and shopping centers. At lunch or after 5 pm cars converge on these and for some reason either the police or the developer decided that one single bottle neck out is sufficent. As result this situation develops: You wish to leave, but in the lane in front of you are two cars waiting for a third car. That one is waiting for a driver to free a parking spot. (No matter that there will be no maneuvering room for either him or the new parker once he has emerged from it.) You go into reverse gear and look back. Behind you stand two cars, the eyes of the woman widening as she sees your white light going on, and for safety, she honks twice. The driver behind her honks back, thinking he was addressed. Such are the amusements after your long work day.

Who benefits from this congestion: Only the stores: because should somebody rush out with stolen goods, he cannot make it out of the mall as police will be there before he is gone.  The referendum will make a study of mall exiting times at major california shopping centers, and big developers will then receive 50% of the funding to add new exits and, where possible, microflyovers.  Why ? You noticed that when exiting shopping malls you often are forced to turn right, then you get to pass two lights with forbidden U-turns, and finally you can trace back.

The microflyover (for sedans) avoids this: Just like the big highway flyovers, here a gate and scale prevents entry of oversized, heavy vehicles, and you can make your left turn out of the mall.   Thieves will be apprehended by license tape videotaping, not by  delaying them by congestion.