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Click your heels 3 times and say there's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home!! And you'll be transported there!
poetry I like to think I can write. Rhyme a few, throw some things together in a pattern. Mostly it's just organized ramblings.
stories Again, more of me thinking I can write. This time in short story form. I haven't written a short story in probably 3 years. I should go back again and try to.
art Some people tell me I can draw. It's just the coloring that I can't get down. I'm happy just putting along with my pencil and paper.
my pictures If you're curious as to what this delusional mind looks like in the flesh . . .
80's I love this decade. And I need to share it.
holiday Mostly, this is just a page where I ramble about the Boettcher tradition for the closest particular holiday.
links I find cool things on the web. And I'll point you there.
webrings I belong to a few. And then they go and change the rules and admission processes and links on ya!
south park This show is just classic. It's funny and smart and brilliant. And again, I think I can do something with that.