ARCH 182 Info/Help


Info - Viewing the portfolio

  • Every page has more or less the same layout: Menu or text on the left and content or pictures on the right.

  • The basic structure of the site is as follows: Main site branches to seperate studios which branches to seperate assignments.

  • Every page and link has a window status. Please refer to the status bar of your browser for possible added information.

  • Fortunecity puts an ad at the top of every page. Therefore, I spaced out the top of the pages. I attempted to autoscroll down but it did not work. The pages are desgined for 1024x768 resolution without the ads.

  • Links to pages external to the portfolio pop up in a new window. If another window linked from the portfolio is open, clicking on another link will open the page in the open window.

  • Please be patient while all the graphics load. The site is extremely graphic intensive. If it appears to have frozen, it may be loading the rollover images. Modem users are not recommended.

  • All of the names on the right are the names of other people in studio. Dark green names are people who did not complete the studio for whatever reason. The top name is the professor.

  • Description of the pictures are set as ALT. If using IE or Netscape, hold the cursor over the image. A tab should pop up with the description.

    Help - Noted problems

  • There is a broken object on the base page. The page requires shockwave flash. The newer versions of IE and Netscape should have it built in.

  • There is a broken image on the assignments page. You are probably using IE. Right click the image then select show picture. I don't know why it does this.

  • The AIM and ICQ links do not work. AIM or ICQ must be installed and running when the link is clicked.

  • The status bar doesn't change when the cursor is over a link in the main assignments page. You are probably using Netscape. IE displays the links correctly.

  • The status bar doesn't go back to the default. You are probably using IE. I don't know why this happens. To get the default back, move the cursor out of the browsing screen and the default message should reappear.