Mr Digital's


Tutorial Part 1 : Seabackgrounds


Series A : Background Part 1

generate image A1
duplicate it many times and add them into a new image (A2)
apply swing to the image (A3) and variate
add grain and further stripes (A4)
adjust colours and size (A5)
enlarge canvas and shift image down
use it as lower part of background

Series B : Background Part 2

generate overlap. gradients (B1)
add details, such as rocks (B2)
mirror and darken to generate water (B3)
add ripples and diffusion
remove unwanted parts of the water
adjust colours and size
enlarge canvas and shift image up
use it as upper part of background

Series C : Generate Background

Set unused parts of primary images to black
Generate C1 by adding them - using the lightest
optimize water effekt
add further items (C2)
Complete Background

Series D : Generate Foreground

download lovely girl from internet (D1)
adjust size and remove surrounding
add clothing and light effects
cut out pixelwise
set suitable background color (D3)

Series E : Generate Full Image

synch both images Dx and Cx(adjust ambient light)
join the images by drag D and drop int C
smooth cutline (E1)
adjust colours
add logo and further effects (E2)

Last Update 05.09.98
Next Update 01.10.98