The E-Commerce Club Constitution
Article I. Name
The name of the club shall be the E-Commerce Club.
Article II. Objectives
The E-Commerce Club will assist the United South High School community members in learning and expanding their understanding of the World Wide Web and e-commerce applications and benefits through the development and use of the Internet technology in their personal and professional lives.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Members must attend 50% of weekly meetings and/or speakers approximately 6 speakers), while officers are expected to attend 90% of the committee meetings and events.
Section 2. Members must work on or lead at least one project per semester, actively participate in the expansion of the E-Commerce Cub to other new members, collect data and information about the use and benefits of E-Commerce and Internet to the community worldwide. Creation of a functional personal web presence (web-site) by 3 weeks before the end of the semester is also recommended for all members.
Section 3. All members must pay $1 in membership dues per semester which are due before September 15, 2001.
Section 4. If unable to attend weekly meetings/speakers, attendance at 3 workshops,
participation or leadership in one project, create a functional personal web presence (web-site), and at least 1 social is required.
Section 5. It is the responsibility of the member to check workshop dates that will be posted
Article IV. Officers
Section 1. The officers of the organization shall be President, Vice President, Finance/Secretary, Event Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Database Administrator, Treasurer and Student Representatives.
This group shall be known as the executive board.
Section 2. The duties of the President are as follows: schedule meetings, preside over club meetings, work with and advise the Vice President, maintain contact with the club advisor, oversee the overall club functions, arrange speakers and web-site design classes, develop and maintain the club's home page, coordinate activities and arrange appropriate facilities.
Section 3. The duties of the Vice President are as follows: assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President, pass essential information on to the President, and assist the Event Coordinator to arrange guest speakers, coordinate activities and arrange appropriate facilities. The Vice President (if he stays in school) will automatically become the President the following school year.
Section 4. The duties of the Finance/Secretary position and Treasurer are as follows: keep and account of all receipts
and disbursements, pay all bills, generate any needed reports and apply for the Club's yearly budget through the Student Government Finance Committee and amend the constitution as needed.
Section 5. The duties of the Events Coordinator are as follows: coordinate activities and arrange appropriate facilities, organize club socials and fundraising activities.
Section 6. The duties of the Project Coordinator are as follows: contacting companies to arrange and solicit projects, assign roles to team members, present results to companies, keep accurate documentation of all projects.
Section 7. The club shall have a Database Administrator/Student Representative.
The primary duty of the Database Administrator /Student Assembly Representative is to attend the Student Representative Assembly meetings, build and maintain the club's database and recruit new members for the club.
Section 8. All officers and chairpersons shall pass on all club information and materials to their successors (a.k.a. Co-board members) at the end of the semester.
Article V. Club Meetings
The executive board shall arrange club meetings once a week for a minimum of 15 times during the semester.
Article V. Board Meetings
Board meetings will take place weekly or as deemed appropriate.
Article VI. Election and Succession
Section 1. The offices open to election are the following: Vice President, Finance/Secretary, Project Coordinator, Event Coordinator and Database/Student Representative.
Section 2. Elections will be held the last meeting of the semester/year. Nominations will be taken and each member present will be given a chance to vote. The persons with the majority of the votes will be given the offices.
Any club ties will be broken by an executive board vote; the President will break any board ties.
Section 3. The term of the office for each officer and chairperson shall begin on the last day of the semester/year and end of the first day of the following semester/year.
Article VII. Amendments
Amendments in this constitution may be added, adopted, or removed by a two-thirds majority vote at any meeting.
The proposed amendment must be submitted and discussed by the club at one meeting prior to the vote.