Anglo-Saxon Links

Overview of the Anglo-Saxon Period:

A Historical overview:  From the Old English Pages, this page contains links which give a historical overview of the period.

A Map of Anglo-Saxon England  From the Old English Pages.

Clothing:  From the Angelcynn site, an overview of Pagan and Christian clothing of the period.



Anglo-Saxon EnglandMap and history of Anglo-Saxon England, King Cnut.

British History:  From the Britannia site.

Sutton Hoo:  Interesting article on the Sutton Hoo with references to Beowulf, Redwald and Gotlandic literature.

ORB Anglo-Saxon Index:  Everything from essays to texts to Old English resources on the Web.  Site dedicated to the Venerable Bede.



Anglo-Saxon Chronicle:  English translation from the Online Medieval and Classical Library from Berkeley's SunSITE.

A-Z Index of Old English Poetry:  From the Labyrinth site, Old English poetry texts, written in Old English.


