Languages and Linguistics

Anglo-Saxon Latin Medieval Latin History of the English Language Linguistics

Unless otherwise  noted, all texts listed on these pages are dual language or comparative.



Lessons in Old English:  From the University of Calgary

Hwæt! Old English in Context:  From Cathy Ball's Old English Pages, counting and simple words in OE.

Instant Old English:  Cathy Ball's conversational phrasebook in OE.

Modern English to Old English Vocabulary:  Click on a word and see its OE equivalent.  




VROMA:  A virtual community for teaching and learning the classics.

Latin Teaching Materials:  From Saint Louis University.

William Whitaker's Words: 27,000 word vocabulary, downloadable.

Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid:  15,000 word vocabulary. Also translates English to Latin.

Classical Salutations and Closings:  Adapted for email



Medieval Latin

Intro to Medieval Latin:  An essay by Prof. Martin Irvine of Georgetown University.

The Hard Little Words: Martin Irvine's list includes some definitions of medieval usage.

Latin Word List:  Lynn Nelson's list can be downloaded and added to your computer's thesaurus.

Medieval Latin Grammar Aid:  A grammar reference list, also by Lynn Nelson.



History of the English Language

HEL:  The History of the English language metasite that covers from Proto-Indo-European to the present day.

Items of Interest About the English Language:   Interesting facts about the influences on the English Language such as Latin and the Church.


