Praktica MTL 5

I bought this camera for around a hundred bucks at a pawn shop. It is a great beginner camera with many great features. It is depth of field preview, and a built in match-needle light meter. Unfortunately you can't do multiple exposures. It is a great camera. It is sturdy and strong. I have taken it into subzero (Celsius) before, awithout any problems at all. It is a bit on the heavy side, which is good, becase it absorbs the vibrations caused by the mirror flipping up. There is no mirror lock-up function. The best part about the camera is the lens that it came with. the pentacon 50mm f1.8. This is a great lens. It is extremely sharp, and is great for all around shots. The best part is that it is a macro lens. It doesn't explicitly say this, but you can focus down to under a foot, and so it is essentially a macro lens. I'm not a hundred percent sure of the magnification it can do, but I'm quite certain that it is at least 1:1. That is about all I have to say about this camer. If you have any concerns, comments, or questions, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] .