Welcome to the Gallery!!!

I hope that you enjoy my pictures. Remeber, they are scans, and I am not that adept at using the scanner. My originals are much better. If you would like a print of any of the pics, just e-mail me. All pictures are copyright 1997 Eric Danek. If you would like to use them for advertising or whatever, please e-mail me. Look at the index file and then select the picture from the links at the bottom. I will eventually make an image map, but I haven't the time to do so yet, so please be patient.

Index Print.  Please load me to see thumbnails.

Here are the links to the various pics:

Aliene2.jpg Alienu2.jpg Build1.jpg flow3.jpg flow4.jpg Flower1.jpg graf1.jpg hbop1.jpg mcgil1.jpg mgcol1.jpg Pumpk2.jpg ruthfd1.jpg Stairs2.jpg stjhol.jpg stjo1.jpg stjo2.jpg stjo3.jpg stjo4.jpg unipine.jpg Wires.jpg Wman1.jpg