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Natural Law

our essential nourishing activity.


picture shows the three nourishing entities: food love and information The main components of human nourishment are food, love and information.


picture shows in graphic detail that more than half of ons' lifetime is spend nourishing Nourishing and being nourished is the single biggest activity humans undertake in their lifetime. Amazingly, this important activity does not show up in accounting, nor significantly in economy. Even Governments don't realize it's the most important task.
But this task made us what we are. Humans are the animals with the longest nourishing time. This investment of time into nourishment evolved us from animals to humans. Reducing this time, just to take part in a destructive 'rat race', very likely devolves us back into ferocious animals with superbrains, destined for violent combat and extinction. Expanding time for nourishment will evolve us into superior humans assuring our survival. Spending more time nourishing our environment will result in an increasingly pleasant surrounding for us.


But commerce says, such an activity is not beneficial. It does not make a profit according to accounting principles. The accounting structure that drives banks and commerce tells you to beat the competition by developing something in a hurry to make a profit. And this profit has to be made in the quickest possible time. When banks give you money for your commercial activity, they don't care what you do, as long as you can give them back more money, as soon as possible. How you extract value from your environment is your business. You allowed extracting value by exploitation of nature, cheating people, or legal theft, just to show a profit in your accounting sheets. This obsolete accounting ritual is responsible for the destruction of our environment.

Banks are not driven by intelligence - banks are driven by greed. This greed turns our planet into a liability.



that nourishment generates intelligence & ideas,
that intelligence & ideas generate activity,
that activity generates money, wealth,

The origin of wealth is hidden away from Accounting.

  • Accounting can't put an appropriate value on life.

  • It can account non-living things better.

  • And counts only money the best.


The accounting ritual is a tool for commerce that is frequently used. But it is a defective tool that produces inefficiency, destruction and waste. Accounting money the 'wrong way round' is wrecking this planet.
picture shows that commerce has to be controlled by humanity To resolve those problems, humanity has to devise a place for commerce to flourish without harming humans and the environment. It is essential that commerce moves into a clear cut sub-sphere of humanity. It is also essential that humanity controls commerce - not the other way round.



We and the environment are increasingly harvesting destruction today.

picture shows activity scale, ranging from extremely violent to extremely nourishing. "Where are you on this scale?" "Where is your group on this scale?"


What do you think, is nourishing the answer to your problems?
Is nourishing the answer to your family's problems?
Is nourishing the answer to your commercial problems?
Is nourishing the answer to humanity's problems?
Is nourishing the answer to our environmental problems?
Try and nourish your own family, to see how it works. Gradually increase nourishing activity and reduce controlling activity. You will be surprised how much love and goodwill you receive in return.
Apply it in your commercial enterprise. If you have the power, shift activities from controlling people to nourishing people. You'll achieve an increasing amount of long-term benefits and earn more credibility for your leader position.

Communicate your success to others if you are convinced that it works.

managerial wisdom.

companies based on infighting and divisionism:
  • reduce communication.
  • have decreasing achievement.
  • resulting in extinction.

companies based on nourishment and cooperation.

  • enhance communication.
  • have increasing achievement.
  • resulting in prosperity.
Global Leadership gives you the opportunity to apply this wisdom to the supergroups of humanity and life to achieve more prosperity through cooperation and nourishment.


to nourish your body.

You have an animal body (made of material) growing for about 20 years, and an invisible spirit (made of information) that grows all your life. Both of those elements combined make you a human. Your animal body, like all animals, needs natural nourishment to flourish. Observe how animals nourish their body and pick the most beneficial elements for the nourishment of your own body. Animals have not been brainwashed by commerce to alter their nourishing habit to the detriment. Animals in their wild, original habitat, not polluted by humans, display much less disease than humans.

Basically, you are mainly nourished by life that gets in touch with your body.

Substitute dead chemicals for your own detriment!

Any substance used for food or cleaning should be as close to life as possible. The longer it has been dead the greater the likelihood of harm to your body. If you can, avoid man made products for your nourishment, get food and cleaning substances for your body unaltered from nature.

Your body needs activity for nourishment to grow strong. Exercise enhances your wellbeing, dormancy makes you ill. Your body thrives on activities which are beneficial to your environment.

Simple guideline for your food.

Commercial or academic hype either for junk food or 'health' food can make you really confused. But it's easy to find food that's beneficial for you:
  • Eat fresh food harvested only hours ago that smells good and tastes good as much as you can.
  • Eat food processed and manipulated by humans as little as you can.
  • Add vitamin/mineral supplements if economic reasons make you eat processed food.
  • The longer ago it has been harvested and the more it has been destroyed by manufacturing processes the more harmful it is to you.
  • Your instinct guides you to find the right natural fresh food, but it can't help you with manufactured food. On the contrary: all your cravings for manufactured foods are detrimental to your health.


to nourish your mind.

Your environment sends a never-ending stream of information to your mind. You select information according to truth or lies, according to fact or fiction. That incoming information stream builds up your knowledge and belief system. Truth and facts nourish your mind, lies and fiction are detrimental to your healthy spirit. Use all sensors that you can utilize: the sensors of your body, your spiritual sensors and external technical sensors. Focus all sensors towards the truth, towards firsthand information. Avoid or screen information that has been processed by humans, as it contains distortions of the truth towards group-think. Avoid alcohol and other substances that alter your mind, the true powers of your spirit come from communication. Reposition yourself physically and mentally, change your perspective. Keep the speed of information that streams into your mind at a level that feels comfortable to you. Channel some of your activity into maintaining, improving and enhancing sensors.

Your IQ.

You are more intelligent with your low measured IQ of 60 if you communicate peace and actively benefit humanity than a 'genius' with a measured IQ of 180 who specializes in producing nuclear weapons or who specializes in producing millions of brain-washed followers.
IQ tests show your proficiency in linear communication only, your mastery of manipulating words and numbers in string form.

Throughout recent history mainly high IQ people have been selected for high office. Is there a correlation between the high IQ of administrators and the increasing destruction in our world?
Would the world be in a better shape if we had selected low IQ people into high office?


Love is a combination of body and mind nourishment. It is the opposite of violence. Violence makes you feel bad and separates, love makes you feel good and unites. You receive most nourishment from a physical and spiritual combination of love. Receiving spiritual love from many humans is likewise very nourishing. Physical love only, (sex) is the least nourishing because it is rarely unconditional.
You thrive in a loving environment. Many people that have grown up in a violent environment feel amazed and overwhelmed when they experience real love. Unconditional love makes you feel connected and opens your body's sensors wider than usual. This can make you an easy victim of aggressive forces. Because of that, men have been historically conditioned to reduce their love in favor of violence.

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