What is 21st Century Renaissance???
Well let's start with what the original "renaissance" was about... it was about the individuals that had strived to make themselves into what they had seen as the most perfect man.  A Scholar, A Poet, An Artist, An Author, A Sculptist, A Scientist, An Astronomer... and a few more other trades/traits.  But, back then it was almost an exclusive club for the rich, for they were the only ones who could afford an education and were literate.  Now you must remember that one didn't have to fill all the traits to be a renaissance man.  Because we are all individuals and what we see as important, is of course different in each one of us.  Now the modern renaisssance man... what is he all about?  He is an individual who of course feels that the original traits are important.  But instead he doesn't strive to know what is common knowledge today, he strives for the unknown.  Space, Molecular Sciences, Enginges, Power Supplies, Art on Computers, Graphics, Poetry, Authoring, Entreprenuership, Astronomy, Human Behavior, Food Supply Problems, Air Purification Problems, Saving the Earth as We know it... and many more traits once again.  Not one thing usually makes the difference, but the combinations can make a world, maybe even worlds of difference.  It is trying to go beyond the faith in our God, it is trying to find the faith in Ourselves and Cultures to make the difference.  To save and preserve this wonderful planet we take for granted.  I myself believe in these ethics and methods... but I know I must look to my fellow man and woman to help.  For... to try and change things by myself would be impossible!!!  But, maybe as a World United we could make the difference.  So that Our childrens' children won't have to spend their lives in protective mask and chemo-therapy for survival.  I will not tell you what you have to do... but I am asking that you join others and stand by each other for the sake of Our Planet and Our Lives!!!
Sincerely.... Zenturian  (Artist, Poet, Author, Entreprenuer, Futurist)
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