An' it harm none, do what thou wilt.

Q. Do pagans worship Satan/The Devil?
A. No, In fact we don't even believe in such a person or entity. Many christians believe we worship Satan because we do not worship THEIR God. (Thanx to Fishgoat for helping with this one.)
Q. Do pagans pratice magic/magick?
A. Yes, some pagans practice magick. Depending on the individual pagans views of magick.
Q. What is Magick?
Magick is the achievement through the focusing of your will to attain a desired goal over your environment. (Moonshade Brimstone Wolf)
Q. What is involved in Magick?
A. Magickal Principles:
1. Magick is natural.
2. Harm none, not even yourself through it's use.
3. Magick requires effort. You will recieve what you put into it.
4. Magick is not usually usually instantaneous, magick requires time to be effective.
5. Magick should not be performed for pay.
6. Magick should never be used in jest or to inflate your ego.
7. Magick, can be worked for your own/others gain, but only if it harms none.
8. Magick is a sacred act.
9. Magick can be used for defense but should never be used for attack.
10. Magick is knowledge, not only of its ways and laws, but also of its effectiveness. Do not believe that magick works - Know it'
11. Magick is love. All magick should be performed out of love. The moment anger or hatred tinges your magick you have crossed the border into a dangerous world, one that will ultimately consume you.

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