Did you know there is an Israeli Anime Club? you DIDN'T? well, now you know! about two years ago some friens and I founded the Israeli Anime Club, which now has about 40 active members, which is quite impressive considering the fact it's Israel we're talking about (for those of you who don't know - we don't have anime or manga in Israel - not on TV, not in video stores, not anywhere. Most Israelis don't even know what anime/manga IS. So yes, 40 active members is quite nice). But now that we have the Israeli Anime Club, anime and manga spread through the land, and if we put together all the anime related material that our members have, we end up with a pretty impressive library.
Want to know more? want to become a member? just click on the banner above, and it'll take you to the club's site, which is still under construction, but still worth a look.
Link's not working? Still want to become a member? email me: Alon Boroda (a.k.a Tenchi) - [email protected].

If you are Israeli and love anime/manga - you don't know what you're missing if you don't join! so join now!

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