What is an El Niņo? I am El Niņo! I am the Christchild!
Some claim that I am merely like the seasons. I come every couple of years and then depart. These fools believe that I am but a meteorological phenomenon. My children do not be deceived! The fires and damnation of hell are nothing compared to the misery that I will set upon you. I am El Niņo, the Christchild!
Are you surprised by my wrath? Why should you be? I gave you fair warning that I would come to punish the wicked. This Bible fragment of Revelation 23:7 states, "And the fisherman noticed warmness in the currents and their anchovy landings reduced. Then the Lord sent a new flood upon the western coast as well as a wet, yet pleasantly mild winter to the East. Then I saw the clouds break above me and a voice that sounded as if Speedy Gonzalez had drunk seven pots of coffee cried out,
'I am El Niņo, the Christchild!'"
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