An Almost an Angel you say???


An Ode To An Angel Fallen From Grace

T'was a quiet day in heav'n - the year of the seventies,  
nary a creature strirred, not even the flies,  
When suddenly, shattering the aura so serene,   
came a yelping cry from St. Augustine,  
"O lor' " he cried, "forgive the intrusion,"  
"Someone's entered heav'n without permission!!"  

"What?" cried the Almighty, visually enraged,  
"Such plunder, such callousness, such sacrilege!!"  
"And who's the intruder?? How hath HE crept in?"  
"I know not O lord," sobbed St. Augustine...  
"Quick" ordered the lord, "send for St. Peter  
And ask him to bring the intruder-meter"  

St. Peter rushed forth, after securely locking the gates Pearly,  
"The intruder is five foot one, and is not a beau but a li'l girly!!  
"She's crept in from the needle's eye - strange," he declared,  
"Is tan in complexion and  is  also black haired"  
In a flash, they looked through heaven's census books of  old,  
And found but one fitting the description - Dilini Annappah-Reynold!!  

"Ah hah!!! The little troublemaker" cried the Lord, chagrined,  
"Has always been mischievous, the little devil," the angelic host chimed in,  
So then and there a decision was reached,  
Heaven's laws, after all, had been breached,  
So, dear fellow mortals,  that was when  
she was banished to earth for four score years and ten.  

Anyone who enters heaven automatically gets wings,  
And, of course, those bright yellow saintly rings,  
Before being banished, however, the wings were clipped,  
and those luverly rings from her head were ripped,  
"Even on earth," the lord said to her, "you may grow your wings,"  
"But the only way to do that is by doing good things..."  

Poor, poor, Dilini, she looks so forlorn,  
She's more than a mortal, but yet her wings are gone,  
Well, once she helped this fellow do some graphics for a web ring,  
And after that did grow a little bit of wing!  
"Dilini, you are an angel!!!" he did cry, ""  was her quaint reply.  


I walk like an Angel, talk like an Angel, dance like an Angel and even think like an Angel *yet* I am not an Angel!

Oops! There I go whining and Angels are not supposed to whine or complain, are they not?? *smiles*

Well in my eyes an Angel is someone who helps others, be nice to others and shares things with them! Ahhh but it's so difficult to share those yummy chocolates, candies and ice-creams!!!! But what? IF I must I have to I suppose! *resigned looks...sigh*

Angel=nice+geneours+helpful+all those postive adjectives+WINGS

Now wings is what I don't have...although I AM growing them! *flip new shiny wings which I have to TELL others that I have* so in essence I am an Angel *sans* wings....


So that would make me an Almost an Angel indeed! *grins* (Besides, those yummy chocolates, candies and ice-creams and me...need I say??!! *chuckles..twinkling eyes*)

Hence this is my story. These are the people I want to be like. You know what? In my dreams I am always with them. I even fly and float in the clouds......

HaloOff to Heaven's Pearly Gates 

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Background and Images © Dilini Reynold's Heavenly Collection 1998.