Computer Revolution
Machine Language
+ - * / 0 1 110 10001 name address bitmap
bald sagen Telefon nehmen Geld Bar Idee bieten Holz Rosette
Mohn bunt Schnur funf kuhl Butter bose Mobel bei Haus Freund
Chance Terrain Champignon
Computer Programming Language
move to, add to, move from, in, out, edit, cut, paste, execute,
bald sagen Telefon nehmen Geld Bar Idee bieten Holz Rosette
Mohn bunt Schnur funf kuhl Butter bose Mobel bei Haus Freund
Chance Terrain Champignon
You can place text here
Ai O E Ei Wu, How R U? Ma Pa
Would you like have a peanut? FIne, it is good.
Let's have lots of fun. Sun is warm again, Bird fly high!!!
Ziu!! Ji!!
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