

I am not about to say that I don't believe in God. It would be entirely moronic to state that. I don't believe that the idea of God is correct, however. I think that God is an entity within every one of us, as I believe the same of Satan. That is not to say that we are both God and Satan, but that we have labeled the good and evil of "society" with such titles. I think that God exists in the minds of the many, I won't argue that. God has to exist. But God, in my opinion, isn't a true life thing. For instance, I used to be thoroughly addicted to that movie "The Wizard of OZ." That was just my all-time favorite when I was a little girl. I really particularly liked the part where they all reach the Emerald Palace and one of the first things they see is The Horse Of a Different Color. (For those who are deprived of Wizard of Oz knowledge, The Horse of a Different Color changed colors almost every second, fading from oranges to yellows to purples and such). Yeah, I really did like that horse. I thought he'd be really neat to have. In my 4 year old mind, it was the coolest. I also contained, in that four year old mind, the knowledge that as cool as it would be to own The Horse of a Different Color, and that even though I'd seen him, right in front of my eyes, that he was not truly a horse who could change colors, but that he was a form of entertainment. He was there to keep me pleased, and he did his job. What I'm saying is, things can make a difference in your life, or can keep you happy, but that doesn't make them true to life. Another example would be Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny. No comment needed there.

People often attempt to challenge me with the question of "How do you think we got here?" That answer, in short is simple. I Do Not Care. But, for those who DO care, I feel the need to debate a moment. If we evolved, no matter what we evolved from, it really doesn't matter because our job it to continue evolving, anyway. Which we are. Look at all the wonderful creations we've built to make our lives easier. Machines that cut the trees down! Now we don't have to kill the rainforest by hand, we've got robots to do it for us!! How about cars. Those are wonderful creations. Use up plenty of natural resources to produce smog and of course, don't forget to lay down roads over the homes of millions and millions of animals because we're higher up on the food chain. Do not get me wrong, I honestly do appreciate the destructive nature we possess. I like having people that drive (thank you Jesse) and I appreciate having paper to write on. I even eat meat, so not all animals are safe, anyway. But the point I was trying to make is that we aren't the most intelligent creatures, nor are we making things better by complaining. We need to let our populations drop, I think that it should revert back to some degree to letting only the strong survive (I'd have been dead years ago, so we don't need to point it out). I know that is a rather harsh idea, but that's me. I like harsh.

The meaning of life is different for every single person out there. Some like to say it's for God, other's like to say that they ARE God. I like to say that I don't know. I don't plan on knowing, because once I do know, life will be even more dull. (hah, like that could happen).

I need to add something to that animal thing….I don't disagree with eating meat, nor do I disagree with animal testing, but I really think that we could test the animals that we're all supporting with Tax dollars in Prison.

That is my thought on life and what it's about, now maybe you'll ask me where I think I'm going when I die, right? Okay, I can answer that. No, I am not going to heaven or hell because I do not believe in them. No I am not going six feet under the ground because I don't want to leave my body neatly packaged next to a bunch of other neatly packaged patially decayed people. No, I am going first, to be cremated, afterwards I'm going where ever people happen to drop me. I don't want a funeral, I don't want a party. I've never been to a funeral that was happy, and I don't particularly want people to party when I die. I want it to be done, when I die, it's over. No more worries about Wendy, she's dead. No different than when we put our pets down. Cry a bit, and get over it. It's not a big deal until you make it so. Point is: Where I go, I do not know. But, I do not care, either.

E-mail me, tell me how wrong or heartless I am. It won't be the first time.

I'd like to know how others see my thoughts…

--Asinine Poser