Users place their hand into two holes and are genetically tested and
the results analysed. A variety of responses both positive and negative
are given as a result of the genetic analysis.
Physical interface
The physical interface will be in the form of a facimilie of an automatic
teller machine. There will be two slots about 14cm in diameter and about
50cm deep into which the user places their hands and into which a jet of
air can be blown. There will also be a camera that will take a photo of
the person without their knowledge.
The opening screen consists of two options on screen adjacent to two
buttons on the face of the exhibit. The options are: 1. Bank transaction.
2. DNA test.
When the bank transaction is pressed the screen immediatly says "sorry
this service is temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties"
and the image then returns to the main screen. When the dna test
is chosen the user is asked to place their hands in the holes and hold
onto the handles in order to be tested. When they grab the handles we take
a picture of their faceTheir hands are then blasted with a short burst
of air (probably from a vacuum cleaner) and a loud futuristic sound is
played eg zaap! The screen then says "please wait, analysing dna sample"
then (like in a detective movie) we see a series of faces quickly flicking
through which eventually stops on the face of the person being tested.
On screen text says "scan complete, positive match". The picture then moves
into the top left corner of the screen and the analysis appears which will
be generic, but there will be 10 or so diffferent ones. eg Congratulations
your dna is valuable and is now patented and owned by Megafun inc. Or Fortunately
your dna contains unique disease resistant properties, you must spend the
rest of your life in gene camp #243 as a gene donor or This dna sequence
is number 1 on our search list, you will receive $10 million dollars as
payment for your dna sample. There will be positive and negative comments
all based on "big brother" type ideas.
Information provided by exhibit
This exhibit is designed to promote thought about the possible futures
in relation to genetics and gene ownership. Do we own our own dna? Will
the time come when a dna sequence can be tested on the spot?