Saith Thoth the righteous judge of the cycle of the gods great who are in the presence of Osiris: Hear ye decision this. In very truth is weighed the heart of Osiris, is his soul standing as a witness for him; his sentence is right upon the scales great. Not hath been found wickedness in him any; not hath he wasted food offerings in the temples; not hath he done harm in deed; not hath he let go with his mouth of evil things whilst he was upon earth. Saith the cycle of the gods great to Thoth dwelling in Hermopolis: Decreed is it that which cometh forth from my mouth. True and righteous is Osiris, the scribe Ani triumphant. Not hath he sinnned, not hath he done evil in respect of us. Let not be allowed to prevail Amemet over him. Let there be given to him cakes, and a coming forth in the presence of Osiris, and a field abiding in Sekhet-hetepu like the followers of Horus.
����� Egyptian book of the Dead ( the Papyrus of Ani)