If you are using FireTalk or the first time, you need to set up a couple of things to launch into a group voice conversation in FireTalk. 

1.  Run FireTalk after it is installed on your computer.

2. In the FireTalk menu bar, click on TOOLS and select OPTIONS from the drop down menu.  When the OPTIONS dialog box opens, choose the INTERNET tab, and in the internet tab . . .

Toward the bottom of the screen there is a text box labeled URL TO LOAD ON LAUNCH, and in that text box, type the following:  http://www.citybeatwithchablis.com/ and click the OK button to save the new settings. 

After FireTalk launches, to connect to the CityBeat with Chablis FireTalk Chat, click on the LAUNCH button in the Talk and Surf section of the FireTalk window.  To talk, once you see your name and others in the participants list, just click and hold the TALK button on the FireTalk window and speak into your mic.  It is always good to test your mic with others in the room to make sure that you can be heard.

Enjoy your FireTalk!

Setting up FireTalk