re: Reply to Tonia Baney, executive director

Posted by Pierre Girard on Monday, 9 February 1998

(Please English peoples excuse my grammar and form fault, I am French )


Dear Mrs Baney

I am not surprise that you didn't heard about the excerpts book I have builted this last springtime.

About Mr Dupont trustee that I met in July at Montreal, he was about interest in the book I do as jellyfish can be interest by a spring flower in a center USA field.

Did Mr Dupont have spoke to all of you to the Urantia Foundation about the
serious warning that I have gave to him and for all of you from the UF in the name of Gabriel of Salvington concerning what you are doing with the earth people's book? Probably not ! Anyway he didn't have take me for serious. And whats about all the 4 letters that I send :

to Urantia Foundation Chicago at 533, Diversey Parkway, Illinois 60614, USA

to Urantia Foundation at 7, Walsh Street N Narrabeen NSW 2101 AUSTRALIE

to URANTIA Foundation at  61 Highmoore Rd, Caversham Berkshire  RG47BQ ENGLAND. ----- These ones have being return to me because the England Urantia Foundation has moved since one and a half year before, So the 4  UF  England letters that I have also send to all of you at the 4 corner of the planet have been return to me. Do you want to see it? They are right here on my desktop and stamped by the England Post. I didn't have re-open it except one but which I also keep the Post-stamped envelope. I keep its because one day in the future they will probably be showed in a Urantia museum to remember to all the foolish of the first few decade trustees (a disappeared race at the end of the 20th Century) who was usually used the revelation book as a truncheon to make the most dynamics readers walking to their own totter steps.

to URANTIA Foundation at Runeberginkatu 54 a A 5,  00260 Helsinki,  FINLANDE

to URANTIA Foundation,  8, Passage de la Bonne Graine,  75011 Paris, FRANCE

Oh ! Could you told Mr Dupont trustee that he have in his hand a prototype binding copy of my excerpts book and he never send me it back? He certainly consider that my honest works is its own property!

Mrs Bainey, whatever the Urantia Foundation think and or hyghly imagine about having a trust that was given to you by the contact commissioners to protect the Urantia Book text inviolate, it is just false. Its a route error. Someone has induced you to these unfortunate mistakes. Considering it at the best, it's a misunderstanding and it is fully the time to admit it.

About the way that I have been treated by my fellow readers as you said, I don't think that the UF have done better as I observe it with all these unjustified and persecuting trials against dynamic believers.

You have the courage to write to me, I appreciate it very much but I take this opportunity to repeat again as clearly as possible to the Urantia Foundation peoples the warning about the book's copyright that you used has an  ARBITRARY  POWER  against good believers, against the Truth, against Father's will, and finally against the " S I M P L E   G O O D   S E N S E ". Believe me, I am officially accredited to do these warn to you, this in the name of Gabriel of Salvington THE ONLY JUSTICE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE UNIVERSE OF NEBADON.


Pierre Girard

Extraordinary counselors of the instruction of the Truth Spirit, first of this group.


Every creature of every evolving universe who aspires to do the Father's will is destined to become the partner of the time-space Creators in this magnificent adventure of experiential perfection attainment. Were this not true, the Father would have hardly endowed such creatures with creative free will, neither would he indwell them, actually go into partnership with them by means of his own spirit.

The Urantia Book page 614 / 54.2.2

No being in all the universe has the rightful liberty to deprive any other being of true liberty, the right to love and be loved, the privilege of worshiping God and of serving his fellows.

The Urantia Book page 615 / 54.2.5


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Tonia Baney
À : Pierre Girard
Date : 9 février, 1998 12:43
Objet : Re: Reply and Declaration about the Foundation statement.

>Dear Mr. Girard,
>I am so sorry for the way you have been treated by your fellow readers. I
was very sad to read this post and recognize that all you are trying to do
is to help your fellow man.

>Please understand that Urantia Foundation has no power or right over what people say to each other or how they judge each other. We do not claim that
power. That power is our Fathers' and no one else's. It is sad to hear you
say that IUA members judged you so harshly, but please understand that we have no control over IUA in that regard for they are a democratic group.

>We have not received your written work here at the Foundation. >Perhaps Mr DuPont took it back to France. Since you met with him, we have developed a new copyright policy that is liberal in the sense that if the work does not go against the principles of the Urantia Book and does not confuse the reader, it can be considered by the copyright committee, [made up of long time readers,] for approval.


>We at the Foundation do not want to stop anyone from promoting their honest
interpretation of the teachings, but we have a trust that was given to us by
the contact commissioners, to protect the Urantia Book text inviolate for future generations, of which your children are a part. I am sure that you would like to have your children and other future readers find this book in the same way and in the same format that you did.


>Thank you for letting me know what is going on and please accept my very best wishes for your and yours.

>Tonia Baney

Executive director,