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Medical Issues to Follow! Each page in this group will have multiple pictures, usually of the same nature.

Have you seen the new articles in the newspapers about the links of the SIVcpz and HIV-1 viruses? Unfortunately, that man can obtain diseases from animals, which medical science has suspected all along. This disease lived in Africa from the 1959 era, and was transmittable all along. We just were not able to trace the disease fully untill the past few years.
If that is not bad enough, Equine Encepalitis is communicable to humans. There have been reports over the internet suggesting a link between CJD and Mad Cow Disease. Now what? Where do we go from here? Best thing is to keep ourselves as healthy as possible.

KEEPING OURSELVES HEALTHY do we keep ourselves healthy? Do you remember the the old cliche`........Cleanliness is next to Godliness?.......Well.......there is more truth to that than you know. It is very important to clean thouroughly all the time. To stay away from viruses and diseases when possible. Little children should not go into hospitals, unless absolutely necessary. Why? Because........they carry microbes for days before they come down with the symptoms of the diseases themselves......Adults in the hospitals are not able to accept more microbes than they already have because they are immmune compromised to begin with. That is why they are in the hospictal to begin with. By bringing children into the hospital for visits, well-meaning families actually exposes others to more germs.

I am writing this because, as a nurse, many patients doing well and recovering, only get worse, and worse, and we are not able to correct what they now are afflicted with in many cases due to the introduction of other germs.

SUGGESTIONS This is hard to take and hard to deal with. But if possible, families need to think of what needs to be done for the patient, and not for the families. In this day and age of insurance company mandates, and shorter hospital stays per patient, we need to get the patient better faster and send them home. This is not always easy to do when the concerned family, well-meaning, does things for the patient or to the patient that are against doctors orders.

Easiesr said than done. But we all try to work together to get the patient better. AND that is the main objective.
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