OPIUM The opium is extracted of a plant called adormidera (Papaver Somniferum). The Greeks used the opium so much with medicinal end as merry. In this image is observed the Greek goddess Nix distributing adormideras. |
THE OPIUM IN EUROPE The use of the opium as merry drug in Europe began in the century XIX. The image shows an opium smoking-room in Paris around the end of past century. |
In 1805 Friedrich Sort�rner obtained a alcaliode of the adormidera to which in honor of the Greek god Morfeo, designated MORFINA.CUANDO in 1853 Alexander Wood invented the jeringuilla the morphine was employed as excellent remedy to combat the dolor.Con this end was used to calm the pain of the injured in the American civil war and the exempt War - prusiana.Pero many combatant of these battles returned to their/its addicted households to the morphine with a disease that was called - " the disease of the soldier " -. |
THE HEROINE In 1898 the laboratories Bayer marketed a derivative from the morphine called heroina as a remedy - " not adictivo " - against the tos.Este tremendous and dangerous mistake was maintained during many years. |
THE WAR OF THE OPIUM During the century XVIII the opium consumption is habia extended so much in China that the government must appeal to the opium import for power to attend demand. British that were cultivating adormidera in India were taken advantage of this situation to export large quantities of opium to China and to pay thus their/its commercial obligations. The Chinese Emperor took drastic measures to prevent this import and the contraband that is habia generado.Esta measures ruined to the English merchants and prooc� the war of the opio.En the image are appreciated the navios English in Hong Kong in 1840 during this war. |
AS ACT THE OPIATE The substances derived from the opium (morfina,heroina) exercise their/its/your/his action so much of relief of the pain as the euphoria that produce to be joined or be coupled to some specific receivers of opiate that are found widely distributed by the brain such as shows this figura.El system l�mbico, that as have eiteradamente indicated regular and controls our emotions, it is rich in these receivers of opiate. |
THE ENCEFALINAS OR ENDORFINAS The existence of these specific receivers of opiate in the nervous system means that the organization must have their/its own opiate. In fact thus es.Estos opiate natural are designated encefalinas or endorfinas. In this figure we see as the a neuron releases at the end of their/its/your/his ax�n encefalina.Esta substance is joined or coupled to the receivers of opiate of the ax�n or nervous fiber that leads the pain to block the transmission of the painful sensations. |
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