Amateur Poetry

Title:  Sometimes Author:  Drew Walker
Date Written:  December 7, 1998 Comments:  Click on the  to send your feedback or comments.  The author welcomes your email.
Sometimes I find myself alone,
And I cannot seem to understand,
Whatever went wrong with me,
Why I am the outcast in the land.
Sometimes I find myself hurting,
And I cannot seem to realize,
Whatever happened to me,
Why I wear a disguise.
Sometimes there is nothing to do,
And I get kinda bored.
So I dream of being a knight,
With my shield and my sword.
Sometimes there is too much to do,
And I don't want to do anymore,
So I sing a song,
That's what they are for.
Sometimes never comes easy,
Sometimes never comes at all,
Sometimes never comes hard,
Sometimes is never a ball.
Sometimes I can't get started,
And I can't be here,
So I take a walk,
To get near.
Sometimes I can't get around,
And I fall down.
So I start to crawl,
Until my balance is found.
Sometimes is never enough,
Sometimes is too much to bear,
Sometimes is never around,
Sometimes is sometimes there.
Other Poetry by this Author:  Crying With Every Kiss
All Hope Disappears
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