-Ocean Hero-
The ocean surrounding me
Waves lapping around my feet as I walk slowly
From my winnings and my defeats.
Never mocking; always true to my being.
Doesn’t it seem grand?
Walking along the pathways through the forest.
I see the darkest of the shadows under the wild canopy.
Wild life being my friend, hoping that this human existence
Doesn’t have the guts to bring it to an end.
Through the vines and leaves, I eventually grow to see
The clear blue ocean moving rapidly.
I want to swim in it, I want to grow through
My soul in utter sanctity.
I can’t say no to this peace in front of me
My bravery haunts me in my journey.

It’s all in the past now
Leaving me awake at night, with sweat
On my brow.  Nightmares, wondrous things
Deceiving me on my own; with hallucinations
That make me feel alone.  More alone than I’ve ever felt
The ocean was my friend. It saved me from depression
It could have been my deathbed, but instead
My life has revolved around it. The forest grew
Around me, my friendly demeanor didn’t help.
It only made me more vulnerable.
And I find myself with hidden joy with the satisfying
dream of the ocean-hero—hero from my
Greatest pains. My ocean hero who was my
Other brother, newest sister…It surrounds me with love.
