 God put man on this planet
 satisfying women in a manner profound
 Making their souls full
 when it was lacking one experience...

 Figure in my life
 temptation is his middle name
 to know his body and feel his clean skin
 sends trembles of temptation
 through my spine
Yet I must decline
 to a Ron de vu with science.
 Sexual creatures we both are
Mental pictures of impure thoughts
 fill our minds when we avoid them
 knowing you'll reach a climax
 in this multiple gratification
 ceremony of two souls
 joining for one pleasure.
But when the light comes
 that God made for us
 We will be clothed
 and temptation lessens 
Yet in our impure minds
 Our imperfect selves flash
 dreams and fantasies plenty
 of heart-felt pleasure
 worth waiting for
 and worth dreaming of
