-She Writes-
I cannot fathom
The way that she writes.
I’ve never seen her face
Yet I know she writes with an unknown faith
Taking her hand and swiftly
Putting into words her mysterious feelings.
Making everything seem dramatic
Even if it’s heartless babble she speaks.
And she lives forever
As she maintains an artistry of goodness.
Taking her music and using it well—
Taking her drawings and baring it all—
Making her poetry boom out of proportion.
Making my work dull and restless.
My jealously pangs are at a minimum.
Forever it will sweep past her.
She seems like me with more vigor
That I can’t obtain without death.
An invincible being she has to be.
A vampire, or an amazing creature
Withstanding the feelings of hatred
And bare emotions…
Everything she’s soaked in from her life.
Poster child of amazing feats
As she has survived all things.
Taking in the badness of forever
Making eternity an option.
Feeling happiness for the things she owns;
The assets to freedom at no cost.
Artist in herself
Modes in capacity, yet probably
Perfection undoubtedly
Creation has mad an amazing person
And she writes to prove that fact.