The Hyperreal Superhighway

Excuse me for one moment,Time,
But it would appear that you have become increasingly fascist
In your old age
And I'm sitting quite still in this deadly air
Watching you rush past.
I shout: hey, man whats all the hurry 
And chill out and don't go crazy its just dimensional
Sit back and feel the atmosphere
Y'know relax.

Screaming into the sunlight 
Howling at the moon
Blinking pixels kick out a superspeedway riff
That's spot on rhythm to the nearest milllllllisecond
Here it comes
Don't get scared
Hold on tight
We're running for our lives
And its give it up for the queers
And what the fu... I don't even live in New Jersey
Error Code! Error Code!
404! 404!
Access denied cocksucker!
It makes you wanna yell from the top of the world:
It's not real!
It's not real!

Why am I getting into such a panic over nothing.
It doesn't really matter
I don't believe in God
I'm not that scared of death
I  don't need chairs in order to sit down
I can drink water without using a glass
I could live in perfect contentment
	with the full and accurate knowledge that I had never 
		Seen an opera
I don't need to eat sushi
I can be moral without morality
I can tell the difference between day and night without
	the aid of a digital wristwatch
I can still call myself content 
	knowing nothing about the tribal conflicts In Africa
I can still be cultured having never read 'The Idiot' by Dostoyevsky
I can live happily alone
I can.
I can.
I am strong enough to fend off any thought that gets in my way
I am strong enough to endure the same amount of pain as Bobby Sands
I am strong enough to walk in the desert and resist temptation
I am strong enough to die for something I believe in
I am the master of the universe
And all things bow down to my power
I am the corruptor of creation
And I am capable of precipitating change
I am the king of my emotions
And believe me, they shall be ordered subjects.
I can convince myself
About anything
A Word.

Why did I have to kill the mystery 
Just to gain control?
I'm only human.
I know why the sun sets
It doesn't make me feel good.

		Summer 1997


This and all that follows, Copyright Simon Clayton, 1997, so no copying, you nefarious fascist bastards