

The following is a collection of photos, pics and information about Aussie SubGenius. If you are one, and aren't listed below, contact Octobriana for inclusion.

The Terror Australis Clench

This clench actively operated in Western Australia between 1992 and 1997. This internet signature file shows how it was composed back in 1994.

Raushauni Archeoptrix
Chief ranter, a.k.a. Carol Wood. Here's another photo of Rashauni, doing an exercise designed to open up her third nostril.
Sri Mahaavidya
Philosophical debunker and frop research officer, a.k.a. Susan Butcher.
The Duchess of Erikin
Keeper of the Crypt of Error, a.k.a. Catherine DeCroy.
Octobriana Oberwoman
Region Mind controller and FeMale� exponent, a.k.a. Laura Anne Seabrook.
Sri Mahaavidya & Rashauni
Shown here when they visited Octobriana last year.

The Twins

In 1997, Raushauni and Mahaavidya schismed, after recognising themselves to be "The Twins" as mentioned in holy prescriptures. The illustration below is taken from their pamphlet DON'T LOSE THIS BOOK!

[Holy icon of the twins]

