Land of treason - waste no reason - we are breathing fire
Were packs of dogs - were enimes of men - we are not desired
Our faces show - we've grown cold - but have not conspired
Old hearts gone - the suture's on - mother nation's mired
I like a receptical for the chosen dead ,
we find our bodys clawed And with the cent of death ,
we find that we are not so very awed
Loyalities burned - the words are blured - overturn your own
Walk the dogs and watch the doors - have your other stone
Stop the toys that march disorderd - calculate the thrones
Feel the pulse desending - decaying hallowed tomes
In the starving sence you worship - the nations of debris
You wear the cost of sewage - that you've never even seen
The time is now - the vicious here - a stolen dinner code
The license of the savage land - that you've allways sold
So bite the hand that needs you - and bless another coal
The virus never issues - from a cotten so very old
As the lights come down and the guilty blaze; another sort of road
You wash your hands and start to climb the ladder that you stole
Slip the latch - and spin the sword - the money lords are poor
Push the tank - that rools down hill - their sence of dream obsorbed
Still the cat that breaks the night - tie him to the core
Chase the virtues that beleave - that whats right is scored
It's a senseless cash in of right for right - for right whats wrong is never gone
And left is just a bastion for the fools golden dawn
Auther: the Germs