The unheard movement is all about gaining true freedom. You may disagre with me on the unheard movement part , and the reason I say this is that we are heard , but noboty really listens to us , save a few intelligent careing people. And I would have to say that 99.9 percent of the time when they really do listen to us , they hear the wrong message because the ones who yell the loudest usally have the least to say. Or it's usally some ediot who got in there face about somethimg he/she thought was wrong , but did it in the totally wrong way , whitch is usally violent or not convvayed in the right way. Any way , I am done bitching now. This is what I think of politics , THEY SUCK!!! , and if you didn't understand that , it means that i don't really like politics at all. This is because of the pure and simple fact that there is no political party labled ANARCHIST , PEACE LOVER , or PEARSON THAT STANDS UP FOR THE EQUAL RIGHTS OF MAN KIND!! The closest thing that you could link me to is a liberal. Whitch is one of the only parties i can agree with on stuff. The reason I am doing this is because I feel that people shoule be informed abuot the stuff that the media keeps from you , and for you to see the other side of thhings aside of what you were brought up and programed to think. For those of you that are allready concious of the fact that we are being played like pupets this is to keep you informed of the shit they are trying to behind our backs NOW.