Shadow Dancer (tim):This guy rocks!!! thank you very much for all the help you have given me. Not only on this page but in life too. You will never be forgotten , you are a great friend and will allways be one!!! Thanks for all the use of your computer , it helpt more than you will ever visit his web page click here.

Fugazi:Thank you for all the pic's , and banners , without you this page's graphics would not be possible!!! And it would look like shit. Thanks for bearing through all those stupid questions that I asked you , and answering most of visit his web page click here.

ShadowMan:Again thanks for helping me with all those questions , you really helped alot!!!

Sara:Thanks for the poem , I love it. It was to good I jusd had to put it on the visit her page click here.P.S. I still think you are bad you live in canida.

Matt Funk:Thanks for the content on the political part of the page. Yuo are a great friend , and as all of them you will not be forgotten!!!