To Walk in the Light
Down down down
Spirialing down I do fall
Into the fiery pits
That complete this world
This World of Mine
Full of winged demons
Created of my own fear
That snap at my heels
My heels are bloodied
As i run through the night
Blinded by my tears
Created by the horrors
The horrors of life
Flying up and around us
The unforgetable pains
That have created the youth
The youth of today
Troubled children of the night
Hiding in the darkness
Trying to escape the light
The light which brings warmth
Also exposes us to the world
This world full of demons
Created by the greed
The greed of others
Selfism, Satanism tis the same
The pure black evil
Which is the world of today
The world of today asks why?
Why do we hide, Why are we differnt
Are they so blind, Can they not see
To walk the night is to walk in the light...
Author: Shadow Dancer