


The essay entitled ImmigRant was written on August 20th, 1999. Since then, much has changed. Not the majority opinion, simply a few facts and opposition notes. As of September 7, 1999, a third ship arrived last week with 193 immigrants. The Times Colonist reported today that the Mps are building shelters for still more refugees, and in the same article quoted an officer saying that they are not for more refugees, they are for simple upgrades. Such reporting styles are unchanged since my essay. There have now been two marches for the immigrants, I personally was involved in the second. These were arranged by many groups, not the least of which the Victoria Immigration Support Group. I appalud their efforts. Just a few quick facts to add to the essay:

There has been a problem over terminology lately. People call the immigrants "bogus refugees" when in fact by our terms they are the definition of such. Ten minutes of research would tell you that the Refugee Act states that a refugee is any person or persons from a foreign country who flees persecution for a better life. Now, in the Fujiyan province it is illegal to go from the country to the city or vice-versa. In 1997 there was a protest against this and 88 people were killed. That is persecution, and by our definition they are the "ideal" refugees. Funny I haven't read that in the TC.

The number of ships estimated to have come here in the last 100 years is actually 212, 88 as quoted in the essay is the amount of them over 200 people! (Reuters). The RCMP was quoted by the TC as saying that we get over twenty illegal immigrants a day by air, not to mention some from the US of others by boat. These facts make any anti argument sound even more ridiculous. Another quick fact: BC is only at 63% for it's immigration budget for 1999 so far, with winter coming that number should not budge. So the cost to the taxpayers is actually nothing whatsoever.

If somebody wants to argue the sanctity of the laws surrounding immigration they may, in fact in a meager way I may join them, but to argue the fate of these people is a pointless endeavor. On a legal, humanitarian, national, and admittedly personal levels they should and will stay barring any deviancies from the Refugee Act. If you disagree then take legal measures to change the law, however I seriously doubt, slander tryingly aside, that anybody with intelligence enough to change a major law would want to change this one.



Shane J. Barter