Their wings are soft with a velvety touch
They comfort me and offer so much
With a smile as bright as the daytime sun
There are angels...I am sure there are some
Angels come in all sizes and shapes
And when we fall they help fix our scrapes
They guide and protect us in every way
There are times when thanks seems so little to say
They put themselves in our place and take bad things away
Angels bring you assurances they will always stay
They seem to be here when they're needed the most
They don't ever do good, and then just boast
An angel is there to help sort right from wrong
They do their good deeds and then scurry along
Angels are always going the extra length
Looking for someone that needs their strength
My angel is loving and so comforting too
I know she will always see me through
If ever you doubt that angels exist
Just look at a friend that is in your midst
Your friends are all angels sent from above
To fill your heart with kindness and love
written by Deborah R. "copyright 1999"