If Only
If only for a moment
I had seen the light
If only for a moment
I may not have had to fight
If only for a moment
I had looked within
If only for a moment
I could have felt some gain
If only for a moment
We would stop and try
If only for a moment
Another person may not cry
If only for a moment
We'd take the time to care
If only for a moment
Someone might not feel despair
If only for a moment
We could look beyond the skin
If only for a moment
We would see what's deep within
If only for a moment
We'd look within our heart
If only for a moment
We'd see who we really are
If only for a moment
We would go the extra length
If only for a moment
We would see our inner strength
If only for a moment
We could be free of all regrets
If only for a moment
We would see the beauty we possess
written by Deborah R. "copyright 1999"