Crash Bandicoot 2 - Various codes Extra Lives (from ThaRiver, Jacob Eisenhardt and others) In the second warp room, go to the barking bear and jump on him until 10 extra lives come out of him. This can only be done once. Free Voodoo Mask (from Ben Favaedi) As soon as you die press Up+Circle and hold it until you can move again. Crash will then be wearing a Voodoo Mask. GameShark Code - American (from GameMaster ( These codes require a GameShark or Pro Action Replay. For more information, please visit Datel Online or the GameShark Home Page. All Crystals 8006CDA4 FFFF 8006CDA6 FFFF 8006CDA8 FFFF Hidden Warps (from The Game Dr) Five warps are hidden througout this game. Here's how to find them. 1. BEAR DOWN: The small ice floe at the end of the stage. 2. AIR CRASH: The 2nd river. Don't jetski, but jump on the boxes to the platform. 3. UNBEARABLE: When the cub bucks you off, go back until you see him again. 4. HANGIN' OUT: when you drop down a hole into some eel-less water, go into the foreground and drop down the hole. (Pssst....use R1 to make Crash pull up his legs.) 5. DIGGIN' IT: Near the end there is a spitter plant on a circular platform. Bellyflop onto it. Replay Boss (from Andrew Mattson) To replay a boss, stand on the center platform and wait until Crash points up or down. When he's done this, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Triangle and then press Up.