Laughing eyes,
and a bright smile.
On the outside,
You're the most wonderful child.
You're so much and part of me.
I'm so much a part of you.
Seeing your dark side,
Has ripped us all in two.
Today and for now,
You must be away.
So you can get the help,
I just wish you were at home to stay.
Precious little boy,
With your eyes so blue.
I'm hoping you'll know why I did this.
'Cause I really love you.
Your dark side hurts,
Yourself and those around.
Now you're somewhere safe,
'Till help or a cure can be found.
Now you can't hurt yourself,
Or those you don't mean to.
And when you don't remember,
These people will know what
to do.
I miss you baby boy,
Yet you've not been gone even a
I hope you're smiling having fun,
I just wish it didn't have to be this
J.D. Chambers © Nov. 17.1992
*Authors note*
My son Kyle has a head injury.
Head injuries  largely go
misdiagnosed and in my
experience the parent gets
blamed for the behavior.
If you're child needs help,
get out of denial and get them some.
If you don't believe the diagnosis,
keep fighting till you do get an answer.
If you think they have a head injury,
get a pediatric neurologist to do
the testing, and contact the Head
Injury Association in your area
for support and information.
If you need to talk,
contact me.
I've been there and done that.
And am continuing to do that.
And above all...
Keep your chin up.
The light at the end of the tunnel
isn't a train with your name on it.
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