Other activities with the university

Apart from the regular, compulsory lectures I attend the Universities' English courses, am a member of the B.A.R.T. (Brunel Athlecte + Running Team) and further do some volountary work for Niteline.

English Courses
The university offers an abundance of English Courses for international students who wish to brush up their English. I attend the following courses:

This is quite a lot and I have to sort things out one day. In fact you might say that I learn more English than Maths here - but all of the courses are voluntary and although I try to see them all I usually miss one or the other.

Huh, this is mere jogging with a couple of others. No interest in cross-country-races from my side, thank you...

Niteline is a campus-based, voluntary organization that provides sort of a 'crisis helpline', that is, people can stroll in or phone Niteline for a chat about anything. Niteline also provides coffee, tea, biscuits and condoms for all the needing. Although the work isn't always easy it seems to be a worthwile thing to do.

Kai Haseloh
Last change : Novemeber 6, 1997